воскресенье, 29 апреля 2018 г.

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Contas de Negociação.
Binance é uma troca de moeda criptografada, focada principalmente no mercado chinês. Claro, você ainda pode usá-lo, se você estiver em outro lugar.
A empresa, segurança de fundos.
A Binance é uma empresa chinesa relativamente nova, criada por profissionais experientes no espaço da criptomoeda. O nome mais conhecido por trás deste projeto é o de Changpeng Zhao, ex-CTO da OKCoin.
A Binance foi criada depois de atrair fundos através de uma oferta inicial de moedas (ICO, Initial Coin Offering), criando um novo ativo digital, apoiado pelo projeto. Os tokens do BNB agora podem ser negociados na bolsa, ou usados ​​como um método de pagar suas taxas de negociação, o que irá reduzi-los em 50%. Além disso, uma pequena porção da moeda deve ser paga à empresa para votar na enquete da comunidade, o que determina qual altcoin será adicionada à troca seguinte.
Dito isto, sempre que uma nova moeda é adicionada, a Binance realiza algum tipo de distribuição promocional para os clientes existentes. Geralmente envolve rastrear os maiores detentores do novo ativo e recompensá-los com moedas extras. Embora estes não possam ser tomados como um meio garantido de obter mais altcoins, eles chamam a atenção para o novo produto tradign.
Dada a sua breve história, não é surpreendente que Binance ainda não tenha sido invadido. Dito isto, a questão mais óbvia dessa troca é o fato de operar na China. Dadas as recentes iniciativas das autoridades locais, não seria surpreendente vê-las registradas em um país diferente.
As revisões de usuários em inglês no Binance, enquanto poucas, são bastante positivas. Mais uma vez, devemos reiterar que esta ainda é uma empresa muito nova, no momento em que escrevo esta revisão.
Condições de negociação.
Instrumentos de negociação (criptocorrências)
A Binance oferece um número substancial de moedas, que são negociadas principalmente contra Bitcoin e Ethereum. Por outro lado, as duas moedas principais também estão emparelhadas com o USDT (USD Tether Tether, um ativo digital, respaldado por dólares norte-americanos, que visa manter uma relação de preço de 1: 1). A lista de moedas disponíveis no Bitnancie inclui, mas não se limita a (especialmente porque novas são adicionadas com frequência): BTC, ETH, LTC, Cco, OMG, IOTA, ICN, MCO, SAL, KNC, SNRS CTRm, FUN, BQX , XVG, ZRX e BQX.
Depósito inicial mínimo.
A Binance não fornece informações sobre o valor do depósito mínimo. Como cobrimos principalmente corretores de forex, estamos acostumados a empresas que declaram essa informação abertamente. A necessidade de um nível mínimo de depósito está associada aos custos legais de abrir uma conta, o que pode exceder as possíveis comissões que você fará com um corretor, se você estiver negociando muito pequeno. Dito isto, várias empresas não têm um mínimo exigido, como os líderes da indústria regulados pela FCA no IG.
A negociação de margem não está disponível no Binance. Para aqueles de vocês que não estão familiarizados com o mundo do comércio & ndash; Este é um sistema que permite negociar com mais dinheiro do que você realmente tem em sua conta. Seu saldo é então usado como garantia para manter sua posição aberta. Como exemplo, os corretores de forex exigem muito pouco em garantia, a fim de manter posições maciças. Os chamados índices de alavancagem podem chegar a 1: 500 ou mais. Por exemplo, o XM oferece 1: 888 em alavancagem.
Dito isto, o espaço de criptomoeda é muito mais volátil, daí a necessidade de taxas mais baixas. Trocas e corretores de forex, raramente oferecem mais do que 1:20 em alavancagem.
A estrutura de taxas da Binance é simples de entender, mas, mais importante, muito competitiva no ambiente atual. Há uma taxa fixa de 0,10% em todas as negociações. Outras bolsas frequentemente separam os clientes com base no seu volume de negociação e na maneira como entram / saem de uma transação (os comerciantes que fornecem liquidez à bolsa geralmente obtêm alguns benefícios).
Por outro lado, os corretores de forex incorporam os custos de negociação no spread. Embora compará-los seja um pouco como comparar maçãs com laranjas, fizemos uma análise lado a lado dos dois serviços aqui.
Plataforma de negociação.
A plataforma de negociação da Binance é baseada na web. Além disso, oferece dois layouts de negociação distintos, um mais simples e um & ldquo; Pro & rdquo; versão. Visualmente, isso nos lembra muito da plataforma fornecida pelo Bitstamp. Veja como a plataforma padrão "& rdquo; parece:
A carteira de encomendas é colocada à esquerda e, mais interessante, é organizada verticalmente. Apesar de ser um pouco avant-garde, isso não é de forma alguma exclusivo. A fita está no canto inferior direito, com um feed de notícias colocado diretamente acima dela. No geral, a apresentação parece agradável. O & ldquo; Pro & rdquo; versão, por outro lado se parece com isso:
Isso nos lembra muito da plataforma do Bitstamp. O posicionamento da carteira de pedidos e da fita é um pouco mais conveniente, com eles sendo agrupados. O pacote de gráficos também parece um pouco mais sofisticado, mas não é nem perto do padrão da indústria de forex ao qual nos acostumamos, o MetaTrader4 (MT4).
Métodos de pagamento.
Binance é uma das bolsas que não aceita pagamentos em moeda fiduciária e se concentra apenas no lado digital das coisas. Os clientes podem depositar e retirar as moedas suportadas na troca.
Binance é uma troca de criptomoedas criada por um antigo membro-chave da OKCoin. Enquanto a empresa se concentra principalmente no mercado chinês, todos são bem-vindos. Dito isto, eles não aceitam depósitos em dinheiro fiduciário. A quantidade de moedas disponíveis para negociação é relativamente alta e continua crescendo, mas existem outras bolsas que oferecem as mais exóticas. A principal questão que temos com Binance é que o projeto não existe há tempo suficiente para se provar. Aqui estão os prós e contras desta troca:
Nossa experiência.
Como mencionamos no início da nossa revisão do Bitstamp, depois de testar seus serviços, transferimos algumas moedas para a Bittrex para experimentar moedas mais exóticas. Enquanto o Bitstamp oferece apenas quatro das principais criptomoedas - ndash; Bitcoin, Ethereum e Litecoin, o Bittrex suporta mais de 190 ativos digitais.
O que era altamente incomum na Bittrex era o vasto número de carteiras disponíveis. Havia páginas e páginas, mas, novamente, todos os ativos de negociação devem ser suportados. Tivemos o cuidado de transferir nosso recém-adquirido Litecoin para o endereço apropriado. Nós escolhemos a Litecoin, já que as taxas de rede (não cobrada pela bolsa, mas pelo blockchain real) por uma transferência de Bitcoin eram um pouco altas demais.
Uma vez que recebemos as moedas começamos a negociar, depois de passar por Bitcoin várias vezes, como a maioria das altcoins são negociadas contra ela. Depois de alguns dias, percebemos que tínhamos algumas Bitcoin & ldquo; change & rdquo; sobrando. Isto foi obviamente devido a execuções parciais. Aqui está uma prévia das várias carteiras que temos e da & ldquo; mudança & rdquo; esquerda no terceiro (clique para ampliar):
Embora as 29 páginas possam parecer assustadoras no início, existem vários filtros, incluindo a opção para & ldquo; ocultar os saldos zero & rdquo ;.
Bittrex é uma das mais populares trocas de criptomoedas. Sua principal vantagem contra os principais concorrentes, como o Kraken ou o Bitfinex, é a diversidade de moedas disponíveis para negociação. Basicamente, cada moeda em que você pode pensar é negociada no Bittrex.
A empresa, segurança de fundos.
A Bittrex, INC é baseada nos EUA, mais especificamente em Nova York. É uma das poucas empresas que se candidatou ao controverso "BitLicense". Se você não estiver familiarizado com a história, o Departamento de Serviços Financeiros de Nova York (NYDFS) planejou regulamentar as trocas de bitcoin em 2015, o que pode ser considerado um tiro pela culatra. Muitas empresas optaram por não passar pelo rigoroso processo regulatório e simplesmente saíram de Nova York. Enquanto pelo menos nove solicitaram uma licença, apenas três foram aprovados por dois anos. O fato de empresas conceituadas decidirem desistir, combinado com o processo lento, faz com que toda a lei pareça ineficaz. Embora o regulamento não faça de Nova York um centro de comércio criptográfico, o Bittrex ainda está no processo de requerimento.
Quando se trata da segurança de seus fundos na Bittrex, a empresa oferece e recomenda o uso de autenticação de dois fatores, que é uma medida padrão na indústria. A troca ainda não sofreu uma grande invasão, ao contrário de outras. No entanto, há alguns relatos de pessoas alegando que suas contas foram invadidas. É difícil verificar suas reivindicações ou se elas não são responsáveis ​​por erros como ter uma senha fraca ou não ativar a autenticação de dois fatores.
As críticas de usuários do Bittrex são bastante positivas. Os traders gostam da sensação da plataforma de negociação real (que cobriremos em breve) e da diversidade de altcoins. Dito isto, dado o número de ativos disponíveis para negociação, deve-se ter cuidado ao transferir moedas para Bittrex. Alguns dos problemas do usuário com a troca envolvem a política da empresa sobre a recuperação de moedas transferidas para a carteira errada, à qual chegaremos na seção Métodos de pagamento. A outra queixa frequente tem respostas lentas do suporte ao cliente, mas a quantidade de mensagens negativas não chega nem perto das do Poloniex.
Atualização: Embora a maioria dos comentários sobre Bittrex tenham sido positivos, a empresa aparentemente bloqueou muitas contas nos dias em torno do garfo duro do Bitcoin Cash. Isso impediu que os clientes vendessem seu Bitcoin enquanto o mercado subia. Enquanto não tivemos nenhum problema, com a nossa conta de testes, muitos outros traders tiveram. Confira a seção de comentários abaixo desta revisão para reclamações. Nós reduzimos a pontuação sólida desta troca como resultado.
Condições de negociação.
Instrumentos de negociação (criptocorrências)
Como mencionamos no começo, a maior vantagem do Bittrex vem da infinidade de moedas alternativas que ele oferece. Atualmente, existem mais de 190 ativos digitais disponíveis para negociação. Existem dois tipos de mercados no Bittrex & ndash; USD e Bitcoin. Como os seus nomes sugerem, em um deles você está negociando moedas contra o dólar americano, enquanto no segundo você está negociando contra o Bitcoin. Os ativos mais exóticos estão disponíveis apenas no segundo tipo de mercado.
Depósito inicial mínimo.
Bittrex não fornece qualquer informação sobre o nível mínimo de depósito. Embora esta seja uma prática comum com as trocas de criptomoedas, estamos acostumados a corretores forex fornecerem essas informações livremente. Alguns até apontam os baixos níveis que eles têm como vantagem competitiva. Por exemplo, você pode abrir uma conta de centavos na FXTM com apenas US $ 5.
Não há negociação de margem na Bittrex, no momento em que escrevo esta revisão. Dito isto, a empresa anunciou que está trabalhando em sua implementação. Corretores de Forex, que fornecem negociação de bitcoin (como o IG), sempre fornecem margem de negociação. Além disso, quase todas as suas ofertas envolvem negociação de CFDs, o que é um pouco diferente da negociação baseada em troca. Para uma descrição completa das diferenças entre os dois, leia esta revisão.
A taxa de negociação na Bittrex é de 0,25%. Isso está de acordo com as ofertas atuais fornecidas por outras bolsas, embora esse valor fixo não seja aplicado com frequência. Por exemplo, algumas bolsas oferecem uma taxa diferente para os fabricantes de mercado. e compradores ", incentivando as pessoas a fornecer liquidez ao seu livro de ordens. Um formador de mercado (neste contexto, não deve ser confundido com os criadores de mercado forex) é uma negociação que faz uma oferta ou pergunta sobre a bolsa. A & ldquo; tomador & rdquo; é alguém que compra diretamente da melhor oferta disponível (ou vende na melhor oferta). Além disso, descontos para grandes comerciantes também são fornecidos em algumas bolsas, com base no volume de negociação mensal.
Plataforma de negociação.
Como a maioria das outras trocas de criptografia, a Bitttrex oferece uma plataforma baseada na web. Parece bastante fácil de usar, oferecendo vários recursos. O pacote de gráficos é médio & ndash; Pior do que o fornecido por let & ms dizer MetaTrader4 (MT4), mas muito melhor do que os que oferecem outras trocas. Existem vários indicadores técnicos disponíveis, mas novamente não tanto, como estes disponíveis nas principais plataformas de negociação forex. Aqui está o que parece um gráfico no Bittrex (clique para ampliar):
A carteira de encomendas também parece muito intuitiva e como se tivesse sido desenvolvida por alguém que está familiarizado com a negociação. O & ldquo; star & rdquo; A coluna no lado interno de ambas as tabelas, bid e ask, é preenchida com um & hellip; estrela, depois de ter feito um pedido. Isso facilita reconhecer visualmente os níveis de preços nos quais você está disposto a comprar ou vender. Aqui está uma prévia (clique para ampliar):
No geral, as plataformas de negociação Bittrex são uma das melhores que vimos, sem grandes desvantagens.
Métodos de pagamento.
Os pagamentos de e para o Bittrex só podem ser feitos através de criptomoedas. Dada a pletora de carteiras disponíveis, deve-se ter cuidado para não depositar no errado. Encontramos um comentário de um indivíduo, que erroneamente transferiu seu Bitcoin Cash para sua carteira normal do Bitcoin. A equipe de suporte conseguiu ajudá-lo, mas você deve estar ciente da política oficial da empresa sobre esse assunto. É rever essas transações somente se elas envolverem moedas no valor de mais de US $ 5.000 e cobrar uma taxa de 5% para corrigir o problema.
Embora usuários relativamente inexperientes gostem de depositar via Cartão de Crédito / Débito ou soluções on-line como Skrill ou PayPal, eles terão que passar por outra parte antes de negociar na Bittrex.
O Bittrex é uma das maiores trocas de criptomoedas. Sua principal vantagem sobre a concorrência é a disponibilidade de múltiplas moedas alternativas & ndash; mais de 190 e contando. Dito isto, a empresa não aceita depósitos em dinheiro fiduciário & ndash; em vez disso, eles só operam no cryptoverse. Esta é uma limitação para pessoas inexperientes, mas se elas quiserem se aventurar nos ativos disponíveis no Bittrex, teriam que fazer alguma pesquisa de qualquer maneira. A plataforma de negociação parece sólida. No geral Bittrex é um concorrente de topo para pessoas que estão procurando trocar moedas alternativas mais exóticas. Aqui estão os prós e contras de negociar com o Bittrex:
Notícias da Indústria Forex.
Corretores de forex mais recentes.
Forex trading carrega um alto nível de risco e pode não ser adequado para todos os investidores. Antes de se envolver na negociação de divisas estrangeiras, por favor familiarize-se com os seus detalhes e todos os riscos associados a ela. Todas as informações no ForexBrokerz são publicadas apenas para fins de informação geral. Não apresentamos garantias quanto à precisão e confiabilidade dessas informações. Qualquer ação que você tome com base nas informações que você encontrar neste site é estritamente a seu próprio risco e não seremos responsáveis ​​por quaisquer perdas e / ou danos relacionados ao uso do nosso site.
Todo o conteúdo textual em ForexBrokerz é protegido por direitos autorais e protegido por lei de propriedade intelectual. Você não pode reproduzir, distribuir, publicar ou transmitir qualquer parte do site sem nos indicar como fonte. A ForexBrokerz não reivindica direitos autorais sobre as imagens usadas no site, incluindo logotipos de corretores, imagens de estoque e ilustrações.
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14 corretor forex luar negeri dituntut karena ilegal.
JACARTA, (KOMPAS) & # 8211; Para a defesa dos direitos humanos (vales) de selos dunia binhat berhati-hati dalam menginvestasikan uangnya saat bertransaksi de pasar valas atau Forex. Otoritas pemerintah Amerika Serikat un pukawasan transaksi valuta asing a komoditas, Commodity Futures Trading Comission (CFTC) 14 perusahaan perantara transaksi atau broker yang beroperasi tanpa mendaftarkan diri di lembaga pemerintah.
O Demian siaran pers yang dipublikasikan é CFTC Washington DC, Amerika Serikat, Rabu (26/1/2011) dan diterima Kompas de Jakarta, Kamis (27/1/2011).
Dalam siaran pers tersebut, CFTC menegaskan bahwa langkah hukum itu merupakan tindakan pertama yang dilakukannya terkait dengan Undang-undang Dodd Frank dan Undang-undang tahun 2008. Ke-14 perushaan itu digugat melalui 13 gugatan secara bersamaan ke Pengadilan Distric Federal de Chicago, Distrito Columbia , Kansas City e Nova York.
CFTC, menyatakan, ke-14, perushaan itu secara és ingrid menghimpun public untuk terlibat dalam transaksi mata uang asing (forex). Padahal, operasi mereka tidak terdaftar di CFTC ataupun di lembaga pemerintah manapun secara legal.
Você pode acessar este site usando este tópico (em inglês). CFTC membro da tribo de cada país responsável por este evento também será realizado. Oktober 2010. Canadá será uma experiência muito importante na China.
& # 8220; Aturan itu dibuat untuk melindungi masyarakat. Peraturan ini vendedor mengharuskan forex mengambil langkah-langkah untuk melindungi investor, termasuk memelihara permodalan, yang akan mengurangi risiko and meningkatkan transparansi, & # 8221; siaran pers persia tersebut.
Adapun ke-14 perusahaan yang digugat tersebut adalah.
EuroForex Development, LLC A FIG Solutions Limited Inc A ForInvest FXOpen Investments Inc. A FXPRICE GIGFX, LLC A InstaTrade Corporation atau InstaForex. InovaTrade Inc, Inc. é uma empresa que atua na Florida InvesttechFX Technologies Inc, com sede em Toronto, Canadá J & amp; K Futures, Inc., com escritórios na Califórnia e Nova York. Reino Unido Forex Trading e Futuros, Ltd, perusai asal Nevada Prime Forex, LLC Wall Street Corretores, LLC ZtradeFX, LLC asal Connecticut.
CFTC adatah suatu lembaga pengawas milik pemerintah yang bertugas para mengontrol dan mengawasi jalannya perdagangan forex dan komoditas, khususnya un perkhaan keuangan yang beroperasi provenientesionalionalional. (situs resmi: cftc. gov)
Para obter informações detalhadas sobre a moeda estrangeira, entre em contato com a equipe de investigação responsável pela digitação.
Koran Kompas tanggal 27 januari 2011.
Modo de exibição Forex berhadiah yang sebenarnya ada sesuatu.
Beda Alavancagem Tinggi dan Rendah, mana yang lebih aman?
Avalie Broker Forex dari Malta.
Broker negara Austrália yang aman kira2 corretor mana pak, ou seja, dari kawan paling aman yaitu corretor dari Austrália katanya. sbb saya merasa forex diindonesia kebanyakan esquema kerjasama dgn singapura.
Gmana dng etoro ..
Apakah etoro trmasuk broker yg aman?
etoro jangan Pak, ini kacau brokernya.
karena equipe kami pribadi juga pernah comércio disana dan nggak beres brokernya pak, banyak curangnya.
Como você pode comprar copy2 trading, comprar baik de zulutrade, meros créditos fair netral.
Broker Broker yg legítimo legal é aconselhável para compartilhar o donk & # 8230; soalnya saya novato dan masih awam bnget.
Malam Master, gerente de negociação de FBS.
mau tanya mestre nich, kalau mau abrir vender dan comprar secara bersamaan bagaimana mestre, ditambah lagi menggunakan teknik média, aman nggak? pengalaman saya menggunakan cara seperti itu pasti dapat lucro, tapi sekaligus flutuante juga, memang sih bisa bertahan lama, tapi kalau modal kecil akhirnya putus / MC juga. Mestre Bagaimana? terima kasih.
kalau secara bersamaan idioma sekaligus itu harus menggunakan script atau EA, tetapi kalau satu persatu itu bisa dilakukan manual.
teknik averaging itu aman atu tidak adalah tergantung pada volume lote dan jarak yang digunakan, serta kekuatan modalnya.
Malam Master, chefe de equipe do CMC.
cmc masih boleh kok Pak.
Para saran, amigos para membro brokerforex utk yg akan mengajukan pertanyaan, sebelumnya dimohon ketik dlu palavra chave palavra-chave mrk di kolom pesquisa (kanan atas). Krn sering kali terana pertence à comunidade de notícias e eventos de fórum.
Procedimento de Dg para entrar em um novato akan jwban dari pertanyaan mrk e bener2 komplit plit plit & # 8230; hehe.
Corretora ETORO bagus ga, Master?
Saya tertarik dengan copy comércio-nya ..
eToro ini corretor dari negara chipre, menurut kami kurang aman. Sebab chipre ini negara yang sedang krisis ekonomi berat dan hampir bangkrut, jadi kalau ada apa2 maka pemerintahnya tidak bisa menjamin.
kami pribadi juga pernah mencoba di eToro ini dan amit Pak nakalnya. Veja a galeria completa .. Entre em contato com a corretora de kami para dar o seu nome a esta pergunta.
Selain itu eToro ini tipikal broker bandar, e copie o comercio di itu menurut kami kok berbahaya, sebab dia itu tidak netral dan bisa dicurangin di copie tradenya. Beda dengan copy tradições punyanya Zulutrade yang dimana dia adalah multi corretor sehingga sifatnya lebih netral.
Selamat Pagi dini hari, Master & # 8230 ;.
Di zulu comércio dg cópia trade-nya terkoneksi dg multi broker. Corretor Salah satunya AAAFX.
1. Corretor AAAFX bagus dan teregulasi tidak? Saya lihat slippage-nya empalidecendo kecil.
2. Comércio zulu. com itu sendiri sebagai corretor juga ya, Mestre? Saya cek punya regulasi dari CFTC e NFA. Jika dia sebagai corretor juga, berarti kita bisa negociação disana dong & # 8230;.Master.
1. dia regulamentado, tetapi pusatnya itu de Yunani, e Yunani ini pemerintahnya sedang krisis ekonomi berat e hampir bangkrut, jadi kalau ada apa2 tidak akan bisa menjamin.
2. Para obter mais informações sobre o corretor, por favor, consulte a página web para obter mais informações. Dia tidak terdaftar di CFTC, tetapi di NFA saja um site web para layanan signal forex tersebut (por Bukan Broker loh ya)
Selamat siang, mestre.
Jika Master membro da comunidade informática, responsável pela negociação da corretora de serviços de afiliados, untuk trading lewat Zulu Trade? Tentunya dg berbagai analisa termasuk faktor slippage & # 8230 ;.
kami rekomendasikan di broker2 yang regulamentado benar.
dan juga tergantung kecocokkan e.
kami tidak menggunakan zulutrade soalnya.
di terminal-akun história, pendente ordem saya kok tidak lucro atau kosong?
mohon penjelasan. THX.
mungkin belum ditampilkan, itu bisa kik kanan lalu pilih mostrar toda a história.
atau coba hubungi ke petugas é nya untuk dibantu.
Bagaimana menurut master tentang Agea? karena modal saya kecil2an, saya sudah 5 tahun comércio de Agea, apa berbahaya?
Dan menurut mestre tentang Oanda? krn saya tertarik dengan corretor ini bisa menerima depósito yg saya sanggupi, tapi masalahnya saya tidak punya kartu kredit.
Terima kasih sebelumnya.
Agia ini broker foi criada a partir de US $ 100 por ano. Tetapi kalau aman maka corretor itu jelas tidak aman ya.
Oanda itu bagus Pak dan regulamentado, tetapi Oanda ini leveragenya jelek e fiturnya kurang banyak.
corretor de kalau yang regulado akan bisa transferência de menerima lokal, jadi semua pembayaran hayaa bisa dilakukan via media2 yang legal, seperti bank wire, kartu kredit, paypal begitu.
Bapak bisa aplica-se ao kredit dulu saja de bank2, mudah kok.
apalagi kartu kredit ini memang perlu.
malem mestre, membaca tulisan diatas bagaimana klo seandainya seseorang sdh terjebak dengan corretor abal abal trus mo menuntut perusahaan corretor tsb apakah mungkin? sedang kebayakan perushaan corretor banyak juga yang berasal dari luar negeri. terima kasih mestre.
Kalau masuk di corretor abal2 itu tidak bisa menuntut apa2 pak, ibaratnya pasrah dengan mereka.
kecuali kalau dia corretor luar negeri yang sudah teregulasi, nah itu bisa diadukan ke regulatornya. (seperti yang anggota CFTC, NFA, FCA (FSA), ASIC, Bappebti)
tapi kalau itu corretor yang dari negara rusia, atau maurícia, nova zelândia, ilha virgem britânica, dkk nya yang tidak ada regulador yang kredibel maka itu tidak bisa Pak.
mestre & # 8230; maaf saya mw tanya ne.
saya masih awam dan ingin bergabung di dunia forex ..
kalau saya Depo 250 $ kira2 mastro berapa muito itu ya.
jangan hitung seperti itu, tidak ada gunanya, dan juga and tidak mungkin trade dengan full lot, karena pasti akan habis kalau begitu caranya.
Pelajari dulu perhitungan dasarnya forex agar paham. Dan pakailah gestão de risco ya. Jangan mengawur loh. Sayang uangnya nanti.
selain itu hitungan muito itu ada banyak Pak, tergantung pada alavanca, preco de funcionamento dan juga di par mata uang apa.
kalau dengan muito 0.01 de navidad / usd dengan harga saat ini iti bisa mendapatkan sekitar 70 kali lebih pelurunya.
Por exemplo, forex bisa dipelajari juga de ebook seperti di gainscope / forexdasar, itu bagus untuk newbie.
Chefe Pengen tau mengenai forex metal / apakah aman sy ikut disana? Terimakasih sebelumnya.
forex metal ini broker é o melhor para você.
baca ini juga ya:
Mohon pencerahannya, saya baru ini negociação di mysmartfx katanya milik Monex.
Tapi setelah negociando beberapa kali, sy kena masalah seperti stop loss.
sy compra gbp / usd dan kemudian pasang Parar Perda de nível yg sama setelah nak, keudian tiba tiba dados jelek, gbp / usd jatuh kembali dan kena stop loss saya hingga feito. Anehnya, conta saya menos. padahal saya dengan jelas pasang stop loss di nível saya comprar persis sama. Penjelasan dari mysmartfx nya sederhana: parar a perda yg bapak pasang tidak ada dalam carrapato preço kami, yang ada di nível bawahnya. Apakah hal seperti ini memang wajar? atau hanya salah satu cara corretor mysmartfx para menguras dana nasabahnya. Padahal di webnya regulação, kalau preço corrente dibawah stop loss atau limite de compra, otomatis feito nível pada yg dipasang. Mohon penjelasannya Mestre, saya jadi bingung harus bertanya kemana soalnya. Dan apakah saya bisa reclamar hal ini ke bapebbti? atau memang saya yang salah ya? Terima kasih banyak sebelumnya Mestre.
mysmartfx itu milik monex tapi yang corretor gelapnya 🙂 berbahaya sebenarnya disana, karena tidak resmi. Você também pode gostar de British Virgin Island. Itu kalau tahu Bappebi bisa kena sangsi tuh mereka.
dan corretor lokal memang banyak nakalnya. Coba Bapak adukan ke Bappebti ya (semoga bisa).
selain itu, memang kalau harga nggak ada di pasar, maka tidak akan bisa dieksekusi dan akan dieksekusi di harga yang disponível.
tapi kalau memang di mysmartfx tsb ada peraturan seperti yang Bapak sebut tersebut maka mereka harus menepati & # 038; menjalaninya, tapi kalau ingkar / angang gar it it it art it art it art dan art dan art dan art dan art dan
FBS gmana masta.
FBS itu corretor yang tidak teregulasi benar, jadi tidak aman.
Akhirnya deposit saya, diproses, saya menilaina Axitrader ini kurang bagus cliente servisnya terhadap nasabah, saya sangat bertirima kasih kepada Pak Mestre yang telah memberi saya banyak masukan.
Selamat sore mestre, como um tanya Axitrader itu termasuk corretor baik atau, um dengar cukup bagus, tetapi saya telah conta de di Axitrader dan telah depósito dengan wire bank 13 de dezembro de 2012, ternyata depósito saya diombang-ambingkan, sampai sekarang masih belum masuk ke conta saya, saya berusaha e-mail, chating, meraka beber kali, merda cópia da cópia receber, telah e-mail, akhirnya mera cópia rápida dari banco saya, dan tela kami e-mail e sekarang saya disuruh menunggu sampai hari Senin 24 Des, masban data masih dicocokkan, padahal semua sudah benar. Mohon bantuan bagaimana mengatasi masalah ini, seandainya depósito tersebut tidak dicreditkan ke conta saya. Terima kasih Pak Master.
Kami turut prihatin dengan yang Bapak alami tersebut.
Terus terang kami belum pernah mencoba axitrader.
tapi kalau kami cek, merda itu terdaftar di ASIC.
dan boleh tahu um apakah mendaftar langsung de Axitrader tanpa melalui IB nya?
saran kami adalah harus melalui ib nya jika ada ágar bisa dibantu oleh mera dan ada pertanggungjawabannya.
kalau secara langsung ke brokernya itu repot kalau problema misalnya ada.
saran kami coba bersabar dulu ya, mungkin karena sewaktu transferência tersebut ada perbedaan nama atau refazer banco dengan conta yang didaftarkan sehingga menyebabkan terpending.
Kami mendaftarnya língua Pak, kalau memang ada kesalahan, dalam penulisan detail transfer, mera semestinya memberitahu kami, terna tidak ada jawabannya, setelah kami chating mereka minta cópia rápida dan telah kami e-mail, sampai detik ini depósito tersebut masih belum diproses, semestinya kalau tidak bisa diproses dikembalikan saja depositnya ke conta pengirimnya, kan begitu kan Pak.
Benar, perkataan Pak Mestre, merda, mestre de contas, gerente de sala, sala de estar, sala de compras, loja de roupas, loja de roupas, loja de mesa, comerciante de mídia, e-mail do comprador
Número de conta de pagamento local: 4427670792.
Número de Conta de Pagamento Internacional: 111000012442767092.
Penulisan kami Memakai International Número de registro 111000012, ini Yang ngak boleh ditulis menurut mereka.
Wah ini membuat kami pusing, kesimpulan kami Axitrader ini ngak bagus suporte, sangat terlambat sekali membro jawaban.
iya Pak, semoga deitado kali tidak salah lagi ya.
salam kenal pak. ini postan pertama maaf jika salah tempat. saya mau menanyakan.
menurut saya sesuai dng syariat islam yaitu bagi hasil.
Bahaya itu Pak, itu HYIP ya.
jangan ikut Pak.
maaf bukannya ngeyel. tp lucro harian tidak sprti hyip. hanya 0,3.
1,5% perhari tergantung hasil trading. mohon pencerahannya.
meraka tidak ada ijin regulatornya juga.
Jangankan yang 1,5% por hari, yang 2% por scam de yang de bulan saja buanyak kok Pak.
ya terserah Bapak ya. Kami hanya é membro saran yang teraman saja 🙂
ok. pak terimakasih atas sarannya. oh ya pak saya mau belajar trading ada ga e book yg dari dasar sekali karena saya benar2 eu estou tentando negociar. beli juga tidak apa2.terimakasih banyak atas pencerahannya.
maaf pak kalau yg ini corretor atau apa?
itu bukan corretor de varejo Pak, merece itu semacam liquiditor.
Lucro Salam Master.
o newbie di dunia forex dan juga baru nemu link ini (makanya semakin tertarik aja para membaca semuanya).
mestre, saya pernah baca seseorang programador yg menawarkan robot forex. kalo liat hasilnya sih sangat luar biasa. dalam 1 bulan bisa profit sampai usd 1 jutaan lebih dengan modal awal usd 10.000.
sebelumnya saya sangat tertarik dengan robô forex yang ditawarkan. tetapi akhir2 ini kok ya agak ragu.
apakah bener ada robô forex yang bisa sehebat itu.
mohon pencerahannya Mestre.
(mohon maaf jika pertanyaanya tidak di & # 8217; kamar & # 8217; yang tepat. mumpung masih ingat)
terima kasih banyak untuk informasinya.
Você também pode gostar Pak.
atau mungkin mera pakai cara hackeando seperti yang fodido robo fxgenius, tapi caralho cara em sudah tidak bisa dipakai.
dan mungkin hanya bisa jalan di demo saja, tapi kalau di viver conta tidak akan bisa. PASTI itu Pak.
kalau dia benisa lucro bisa $ 1 juta hanya dengan $ 10000, preço 1 tahun dia bisa membeli negara Indonésia ini hehe ..
Você também pode gostar Pak. Jadi hati2 ya.
Ini kisah tentang Suaidi ST atau Suaidi Doang yang katanya Master Trader comprador ou empresa de seguros Investmiencia Amanah 1 (IA1) yang sampai sekarang bum membayar rent atau mengembalikan uang investor. O que você está procurando em Malásia para o transporte de mercadorias em Malásia.

. Saya butuh pencerahan mestre yang asli mengenai hal ini. Kenapa mesti berlarut sampai lebi dari 6 bulan mengurusi pencairan itu? Dan ap ap ap ap dan dan dan dan har har har har har har har har dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan dan m m m m m Apakah sudah mati harapan investidor mendapatkan uangnya kembali?
Kalau kami ngomong uangnya tidak akan kembali pak.
Você pode fazer um comentário sobre como fazer o seu trabalho.
karena HYIP itu biasanya begúa Pak, mereka membros janji2 harapan, você deve entrar em contato com a comunidade sementara saja.
Kecuali kalau kita sendiri menangkap si Suadi itu lalu digebukin rame2 itu mungkin masih bisa 🙂
Por favor, indique que está interessado em Investor Pak selain pasrah.
lain kali jangan ikut2 seperti itu pak, coba konsultasikan pada kami dulu você sebelum ikut.
Comerciantes de mercadorias em tempo real traducao temporaria ya sama saya lihat semua trader window sama. apakah mungkin corretor yang curang dapat merubah arah fim atau preço? dan faktor yang menentukan gráfico grafik itu berdasarkan apa saja intinya? mohon bimbingannya.
kalau keterlaluan curangnya maka bisa dirubah 🙂
pergerakan harga itu lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor berita ya.
Baca ini juga você agra bisa tahu teknik comércio dengan berita:
saya principal di EURSD, kalau tanda sera sebanyak tiga efeknya berarti VENDA atau COMPRAR?
Você deve ter certeza de que a previsão de tempo real vs vs.
dan dipelajari dan dibaca DENGAN SEKSAMA, ágar paham ya.
Kynya saya langsung masuk dapurnya Mestre nih & # 8230; hehe.
Terimakasih banyak atas pelajarannya, mudah2an amal Mestre dibalas berlipat ganda atas.
keikhlasannya menjawab semua pertanyaan pembaca.
saya sarankan pada trader semua: BROKERFOREX.
Terima kasih banyak Pak atas dukungannya 🙂
Siang bos mohon pencerahan. ..tudo negocio dengan modal lisboa $ 100.000 desarbanismo lebih aman pake corretor mana yang aman dan terpercaya.
Para o topo FxDD melalui Gainscope apakah bisa dipercaya? Dan para FxDD memakai alavancar berapa untuk modal lebih dari $ 100.000 apakah pake alavanca standar 1: 200 ataukah bisa diperbesar menjadi 1: 400?
Manakah yang bisa lebih disarankan antara Alpari ataukah FxDD?
Terima Kasih Pencerahannya.
kami pribadi pun juga comércio de Gainscópio / FXDD tsb dengan dana diatas $ 100ribu, dan kami puas dengan mermaid selama beberapa tahun kami menggunakannya.
alavancar o kami tidak terlalu pusing a hal itu, karen yang penting itu adalah di gestão do dinheiro, bukan di leverage.
kami menggunakan alavancar 1: 100 saat ini.
kalau alpari kami gak cocok, apalagi alpari di Indonésia itu semi ilegal, karena mera itu bisa menerima transferência dana den2 cara2 yang ilegal lo (trocador de dengan) dan itu tidak benar. Jadi kami merasa tidak aman disana.
Pak BrokerForex, sangat baik a un ini untuk pembelajaran bagi saya nubie, e uma entrada bertanya pak,
1. Apakah FXDD itu merupakan corretor jenis ECN / DMA / STP / HIBRID?
2. saya sangat terngik deng FXDD não é o tamanho para o qual, FOREX, yang saya tanyakan apakapping scalping diperbolehkan di FXDD pada account MINI dan MICRO?
3.pada situs gainscope dikatakan NENHUMA MESA DE NEGOCIAÇÃO, yang saya ingin tanyakan NENHUMA MESA DE NEGOCIAÇÃO juga berlaku untuk account MINI dan MICRO? Saya tanyakan ini karena modal saya mencukupi membuat conta regular, sebelumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih.
2. FXDD itu bebas Pak, mau escalpelamento juga boleh. dan mereka corretor bagus.
3. setahu kami iya.
Sebuah broker foi criada por CFTC, em Karena, Alemanha e Estados Unidos, na Indonésia, na Indonésia, em BAPPEBTI, em outros, em 13 corretores de dia, em CFTC, em CTOC, em Cuai, em Mana, em Mungkin e em Instaforex. Regulamentos de RUSIA, sedangkan CFTC itu base operasinya badan hukum Amerika. permasalahan ini cuma karena Instaforex atua ke 13 corretoras diatas de mau bergabung di CFTC sehingga pihak CFTC merasa jengkel, yin begitula Amerika, semua mau dikuasai & # 8230; & # 8230 ;. jadi jika membaca berita jangan terlalu perepcaya cepat, harus diselidiki dul, saya sudah trading InstaForex sejak mereka berdiri, tapi ngk huah ada masalah,

logo English Language Spanish Language Portuguese Language Portuguese Language Japanese Language logo corretor de dia dos namorados corretor de seguros, a maioria dos comerciantes de corretagem de seguros de dia, você pode enviar um pedido de compra de corretor de imóveis a um amigo, bem como comprar um corretor de imóveis.
CFTC disse: a corretora de corretores de mercadorias para yang benar. Contohnya MIG, FxPro, Saxo, Dukascopy, GFT juga tidak dipermasalahkan oleh CFTC, karena mereka bergerak secara benar (tinka nipu) legal mannek (teregulasi benar di Negaranya den regulator yang Kredibel, padehal mereka juga tidak masuk di CFTC).
Instaforex itu memang broker yang tidak teregulasi.
kalau broker yang teregulasi benar pasti tidak akan boleh menerima transferência dengan pihak ke 3 seg ilegal, dan setiap registrasi juga pasti harus ada verifikasi dokumennya, oi bisa asal saja seperti instaforex ini.
Você também pode gostar de Masterforex, merda juta dari da Rússia, tetapi regulador de sinergia de Instaforex, nah MANA ADA DI 1 NEGARA de MEMILIKI 2 REGULATOR ?? (yang ada di Rusia itu adamah semacam asosiasi saja pak, dan itu bukan regulator. Kalau ada apa2 ya silahkan tanggung sendiri hehe)
Você pode ser o primeiro a escolher a língua russa de acordo com as regras do regulador yang kredibel e menjamin keamanan dana.
insta memang selalu membayar bila wd, tapi tidak berarti dia tidak curang. ya tahu sendirilah, saya saja sudah transaksi di insta dan alpari selama 2 tahun tapi pas tahun ke 2 baru ngasih dokumen e gak masalah tuh. masak tahun ke 2 baru ngasi dokumen tapi lolos?
btw, fxdd itu bukannya di malta? kok cftc?
bandar itu pasti membayar sepanjang hitung2an perda dan profitnya masih masuk.
dan kalau pendaftaran tanpa ngasih dokumen é sudah tidak benar, karena orang ngawur pun bisa daftar disana tanpa bisa dilacak, dan itu menyalahi hukum. nah aktifitas bisnisnya saja sudah é ilegal begitu, nah bagaimana kelakuannya dan kredibilitasnya tentu sangat meragukan.
Fxdd itu dari EUA, yang malta itu diberikan hanya para supaya bisa hedging (repolho), tapi rekening utamanya masih terpusat di banco de amerika serikat, termasuk manajemenya semuanya dihandle dari amerika, jadinya diawasi oleh CFTC juga.
Masih boleh Pak, merka teregulasi FSA.
tapi kami lihat rasanya meraka ini corretor baru.
o corretor mau do tanya do mau ini, youtradefx / apakah aman, kalau lihat o mantab regulasinya, fsa autorizado (corretores 100forexbrokers / fsa-regulado), asic? terimahkasih.
yang ditawarkan ke anda itu yang Você comprou fang di FSC, mas também yang gak bagus, karena bisa transfer dengan LR.
Sedangkan yang di ASIC, FSA nya tidak bisa e join (untuk kamuflase / tamengnya saja Pak)
ini corretor yang kelihatannya legal, padahal aspal dan nakal.
1. Nambah tanya lagi mestre, corretor de kalau UWC itu bagus apa tidak buat trading $ 100?
Terimah kasih, maaf banyak tanya ,, daripada nyesel ketipu.
1. kalau dana $ 100 por vendedor de corretor de imóveis para apa2 kok Pak. Tapi kalau nanti ada sudah konsisten lucro maka jangan di sana ya.
2. FXDD / Gainscope itu corretor bagus, kami pribadi pun juga comércio melsui Gainscope tsb sampai sekarang. Dan sebaiknya melsui winscope ágar bisa mendapatkan fitur lebih banyak e pelayanan dalam bahasa indonesia toh tidak dikenakan biaya tambahan lagi.
3. ada kok, hanya saja kalau kami lihat itu hanya berlaku un membro de Gainscope saja.
Tapi kalau yang langsung di FXDD adicionou uma nova mensagem, isto é, karena fasilitasnya itu hanya disediakan khusus para o utilizador yang di gainscope nya saja.
nah ini contoh salah satu fasilitas yang bisa e dapatkan di gainscope daripada di fxdd langsung ya.
Mestre numpang tanya nih,
kalo saya daftar lewat ganhoscope apakah ada kena biaya / komisi.
di Gainscope é o maior dikenakan de biaya tambahan atau komisi, o kami pribadi juga trade di mereka. Tidak ada também bahya atau mark up.
Salam Kenal pak,
Saya sudah baca banyak penjelasan bapak di atas, dan semakin menambah wawasan saya dalam dunia FOREX.
Dan mohon penjelasannnya tentang drinkingapapper corretora tempat saya mendaftar walaupun masih akun Demonstração, hehehe & # 8230; yaitu:
1. Alpari (sdh jelas)
Sebagian besar Mereka sudah memverifikasi adicionou a seguinte folha: Tolong pencerahannya pak, terutama yang LITEFOREX? Makasih sebelumnya Pak & # 8230;
Liteforex ini tidak teregulasi benar ya.
Você não está autorizado a adquirir um ágar de ágar de bga tahu para um broker de maná yang benang yang tidak ya:
slmt ferida pak. tadi sy daftar real acc di pepperstone yg regulado di asic dan juga berkantor di australia. yg sy heran adaí ada anjuran ágar sy depósito dulu sambil menunggu verifikasi acc sy. sepertinya acc sy pasti disetujui tanpa peduli dokumen yg sy krm penuhi syarat ato tdk.2 jam kemudian ac viver sy diterima. mnrt anda pepperstone aman ga? dari berbagai revisão yg sy baca, semua corretor mendpt komentar negatif dari comerciante dgn skor negatif lbh tinggi. apakah revisão bisa jd pegangan pak? ato jgn2 saling menjatuhkan.? tlg beri pencerahan ya pak.
avaliação belum tentu jadi pegangan. Karena bisa ngawur dan tidak netral.
Você também pode gostar de comprar um kami, karena teman kami da austrália berkunjung disana kok kecil banget kantornya.
kami pribadi lebih suka mencari broker yang terdaftar di CFTC, karena lebih bonafit e lebih kredibel.
Você está em:, ou negocie o preço de Lot 0.01 no carrinho de compras $ agar posita kita bisa aman dari Loss.? Sejarah angka tertinggi e terendah berapa range-nya.?
Depósito Misal $ 250, Lote 0.01:
1. berapa poin (perda) maksimal sd kena margem de chamada?
2. Apakah depósito sekian cukup aman utk negociação aberta de 0,01?
Demikian mhn penjelasan dan pengarahannya .. Terimakasih.
Você pode ter um par de outros idiomas relacionados com Bapak trading.
kalau modal $ 250 dengan lote 0.01 itu bisa menahan sekitar hampir 2500 ponto.
1. Dilihatnya itu dari nível de margem, kalau menyentuh 100% maka akan margin call. Tapi ada juga corretor bandar yang margem nivelada bisa sampai habis2an (istilahnya bisa dibawah 100% sampai bahkan 0%, nah itu perigo banget)
2. tergantung strategi trading e ya.
slmat siang suhu.
terima kasih suhu, smoga di beri kesuksesan dan kesehatan selalu, aminnn.
cmsfx bagus kok Pak, dan regulado.
terima kasih atas jwaban sblumnya suhu.
iya, mereka juga Apresentando o Capital do Ganho de Brokernya.
tapi untuk wilayah amerika dan eropa konsennya.
terima kasih banyak suhu.
semoga lebih sukses e lebih jaya.
O que acontece quando eu sou um nanya lag, meu filho é um pakai axitrader, um ki sekarang setiap é o que diz kena komisi 10 $ utk um monte de propagação 1,6 utk eurusd, um apakah benar begitu pak .. Tks.
itu tergantung dari kebijakan perusahaan brokernya.
Kalau kami pribadi nggi mau trade of broker seperti itu, toh dilua sana masih banyak broker2 lain yang lebih bagus e tanpa komisi.
Agan yang baik hati & # 8230; .. salut buat Anda & # 8230; yang mau saya tanyakan menurut pengalaman Anda enakan principais di emas apa valas? yang kedua, jika saya sudah transaksi dan posisi labi tapi kebetulan kita terlena dan pasar tutup nah gimana nasib transaksi kita tersebut Gan? maaf kalo pertanyaannya banget básico, maklum pemula 😀
Emas atau Valas é sau bagusnya, tergantung dar estrateginya saja ya.
kalau pasar tutup gpp, nanti tunggu pasar buka maka baru diliquidasi ya.
Gpp, jangan malu bertanya oke 🙂
perkenalkan saya adib nur ikhwan, sekarang masih comerciante kelas teri di marketiva.
como um nanya kalo corretor yang lot-nya mini-banget seperti marketiva.
bisa UE 4 dígitos saja, dan bisa lote 0.01 apa ya?
soalnya kalo winscope dan ecnpro itu aku coba demo-nya UE 5-6 dígito, jadi meskipun dengan lote 0.01 maka kalo dimasukkan ke 4 dígitos hitungannya setiap pip = 1 dollar.
ada gak yg regulado corretora tapi setiap pip UE = 0,01 dolar (4 dígitos)
Pertanyaan Bapak sudah kami jawab de fio sebelah.
Bapak salah mengartikannya.
ITU BUKAN 1 pip = $ 1 kalau 0,01 lote di 5 digito tsb.
kalau di ECNPRO itu untuk ao vivo accountnya masih bisa 4 dígitos (hanya kalau di demonya 5 dígitos)
mas mano, saya broca baca berita forex scam tentang & # 8220; [SCAM] Korban Penipuan Etoro. $ 3.578.90 Ludes. CLIENTE SAYA GILA. & # 8221; saya jaadi ngeri. nah pemikiran saya gimana nanti kalo broker forek yang terdaftar di CFCT menipu nasabahnya dan jika terjadi penipuan apakah uang nasahnya akan kembali karna sudah terdaftar di CFTC.
eToro memang broker está comprando Pak, jadi wajar kalau mereka Scam.
O kalau CFTC é um Pak, meramente kan ada penjaminnya dan juga terawasi benar.
Cadeia de correios ada corretor CFTC bangkrut (tapi bukan Scam ya), yaitu REFCO, nah buktinya uangnya juga kembali semua, termasuk kami pun ada dana juga di mereka dan uangnya juga kembali. Não há notícias sobre o que fazer com o comércio de um corretor que está juga di CFTC e supaya aman Pak.
mestre malem & # 8230; mau tnya lagi.
1. Kenapa setiap corretor yg Teregulasi ada yang memperbolehkan untuk principal Scalping dan ada yg Tidak Memperbolehkan Escalpelamento principal.
2. Apakah CFTC itu melarang negociação Scalping.
Terima-Kasih Mestre saya tunggu Jawabannya. 🙂
1. boleia mustinya pak, kalau yang não bolei pastar, teregulasi apa mereka Pak?
2. kalau yang CFTC pasti boleh escalpelamento Pak 🙂
kata temen saya ecnpro tdk memperbolehkan pak .. temen saya sering diperingatkan trs.
tapi saya baca regra nya ecnpro memperbolehkan gaya trading apapun & # 8230; tapi isunya diforum2 sebelah sprti itu.
klo menurut saya seh ecnpro corretor yg bagus walupun belum prnh mencoba .. disana.
ohh yaa pak mau tnya lg ..
1. ecnpro dgn fxdd bgus mana pak. (dalam artian yg pelayanannya yg bagus)
2. Apakah bisa kita negociação dgn 2 acc acci 1 corretor. dalam artian mt4 kita gunakan 2 conta skaligus.
maaf pak terlalu banyak tanya & # 8230; Obrigado 🙂
Kalau di ecnpro yang Ganho Capital tsb pasti boleh pak, tetapi kalau ecnprofx (ada fx nya) n n n ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta
dan jangan percaya isu2, karena bisa saja itu dihembuskan dari kompetitor. Yang penteando-se com o seu negócio de navegação e comércio real.
O que é baca ini juga, agar tidak salah paham perusahaan brokernya:
Ecnpro itu corretor yang bagus dan regulado menurut kami. Simplesmente multi-regulador, dan terlisting pula di NYSE.
Tentang pertanyaan Bapak tsb:
1. Mengenai pelayanan e fitur kalau kami pribadi lebih preferem di FXDD melalui Gainscope tersebut (Indonésia ya). tapi kami bukan mempromosikan mereka ya, tétapi berdasarkan dari pengalaman kami trade di mereka dengan conta real.
Top Markotop Jawaban bpk memuáskan sekali & # 8230;
Terima Kasih banyak pak .. 🙂
Smoga Suskes dan Jaya Slalu .. Amin.
Selamat malam, saya baca infonya di sini sangat bermanfaat & # 8230; & # 8230;
ada yang ingin saya tanyakan tentang FOREX.
Hanya itu pertanyaan saya, terima kasih & amp; selamat malam.
1. Forex itu = Ganho de capital, dan bereda perusahaan dengan Gainscópio, tetapi mereka 1 konsultan di Indonesia setahu kami. Kalau Gain Capital / forex itu de ecnpro para Indonesianya tsb.
2. Mereka sama2 corretor bagus, hanya saja di forex / Ganho Capital ini merece alavancagem hanya 1: 200 dan tidak bisa swap free. O que há de melhor em Gainscópio lengkap.
3. Mereka multi regulador, dan terdaftar pula di CFTC, NFA, FSA. Coba dilata saja di perfil mera masing2 ya.
terima kasih atas jawabannya & # 8230; & # 8230 ;.
nyambung pertanyyaan no 2 pak, klo ganhoscope sma ganho capital beda prusahaan y?
masalah nya winscope é um CFTC, yg ada ganha capital.
trima kasih sblum nya.
Gainscópio itu FXDD (FXDirectDealer), cobra saja dibaca profilnya gainscope / fx / profil /
dan masuk di CFTC juga.
(cek rekening banco mereka pula, kan juga FXDD transfernya)
mereka berbeda perusahaan dengan Ganho Capital, ganho Capital itu kalau di Indonésia adalah di ecnpro tsb.
Selamat malam & # 8230; & # 8230; (SPREAD MELAR KETIKA TERJADI HATIC)
Saya ada tambahan pertanyaan:
Hanya itu pertanyaan saya , terima kasih & salam profit untuk semuanya……..
1. Bukan karena curang Pak, tetapi kalau dari liquiditornya melebar, maka para broker tersebut harus melebar juga (kalau brokernya benar, maka melebarnya pasti bukan karena dibuat2). Kalau tidak begitu bisa rugi kan brokernya.
Nah gunanya kalau ada regulator ya begitu itu, supaya mereka itu melebarnya bukan karena dibuat2.
2. bisa berubah Pak, walau efeknya tidak banyak. Tapi melebarnya tidak mungkin sampai puluhan pips Pak.
dan kalau 1 jam sebelumnya tidak akan melebar, tetapi kalau 1 menit sebelumnya nah itu bisa.
(disana menjelaskan kenapa kok melebar, jadi agar Bapak bisa paham ya)
masta…saya mau tanya nih…RTFX termasuk broker legal apa ilegal.
thanks atas pencerahannya…
RTFX itu legal kok Pak.
terima kasih masta atas keterangannya…
maaf pak saya pendatang baru, baru mulai juga belajar trading kcil2an, saya sekarang ikut di insta, ternyata insta masuk ilegal,,lalu kalo saya ingin ikut yang legal, kira2 dimana saya bisa ikut pak??trimakasih sebelumnya.
Kalau yang legal itu adalah broker yang teregulasi benar seperti di CFTC tersebut, tetapi broker yang regulated minimum modalnya biasanya diatas $200. salah satu contohnya yang biasanya populer dipakai itu di Gainscope , mereka servis bagus dan sudah lama pula.
wah terimakasih pak infonya,,
semoga bapak selalu dikaruniai kesehatan sama tuhan, amiin.
Terima kasih Pak.
pak, mau tanya lagi, kan sudah kebongkar tuh SUAIDI PENIPU, bagimana dengan indra fx? apa benar beliau master scalping? trimakasih jawabannya.
si indra itu pembuat robot scalping, tapi bukan master scalping.
semua orang bisa mengaku sebagai master scalping, tapi indra ini setahu kami hanya pembuat robot scalping yang dinamakan indrafx scalping.
kalau Pak Suaidi itu jelas Penipu pak 😀
pak maf ni sblumnya, mungkin ini pertanyaan konyol, saya pengen tau menurut pengamatan bapak trading forex ini bisa diandalkan buat hidup gk? trimakasih.
Sebenarnya BISA. tetapi tidak dalam waktu singkat ya. Dan harus butuh bertahun2.
Disamping itu juga tergantung dari kemampuan orang tersebut ya.
hal ini juga sama seperti bisnis pada umumnya.
Mo nimbrung master! Gimana dengan Instaforex? kalau saya baca diatas termasuk broker yang dituntut, tapi sekarang masih terus exis. Terus terang saya trading di Insta forex dengan modal kecil (dibawah $200). Pengalaman saya, awal-awalnya profit tapi akhirnya kena MC. Ya mungkin faktor emosi jadi pingin profit terus. Pertanyaan saya bagaimana kinerja instaforex master?
Di dunia maya ini (online/internet) hal2 yang buruk bisa tetap berjalan (bahkan yang sudah terbukti scam pun yang masih tetap berjalan pun juga banyak lo), karena tidak ada hukumnya, yang penting bisa bayar servernya dan domainnya maka sudah ok. Tetapi kalau ada orang yang masuk ke sana ya nah itu salah sendiri. Broker yang tidak regulated pasti berlokasi PUSAT di negara2 yang bebas (yg belum ada hukumnya untuk itu) atau di negara2 yang tidak jelas, hal ini supaya kalau mereka berbuat yang aneh2 maka mereka tidak akan terjerat hukum di negaranya. (instaforex terletak di Rusia, nah Rusia ini belum ada aturan regulasi untuk perusahaan broker)
Sistem trading di broker yang tidak teregulasi biasanya lebih sering “dicurangi” dan juga tidak aman daripada di broker2 yang teregulasi benar (uangnya bisa dicuri lah, dihack-lah , dll , karena mereka memperbolehkan pihak ke 3).
Sedangkan kalau di broker yang teregulasi benar maka mereka tidak berani macam2 , karena ada pihak regulator dari pemerintah yang bisa memberi sangsi berat kalau terbukti berbuat nakal tsb atau melanggar hukum. (semacam ada polisinya begitu, jadi tidak bisa sembarangan)
Di Instaforex kalau trading kecil2an dibawah $200 masih nggak apa2 menurut kami, tetapi kalau nanti anda profit terus di mereka nah itu baru siap2 dipermainkan oleh brokernya ya (ini sudah banyak casenya lo). tapi kalau anda lebih sering lossnya daripada profitnya ya masih ok 🙂
Instaforex memang populer juga dipakai banyak orang (khususnya di Indonesia) tetapi kalau di negara2 maju maka Instaforex ini tidak laku, karena penduduk di negara2 maju sudah lebih teredukasi dalam pemilihan broker yang benar dan aman, jadi target pasar instaforex ini sebenarnya yang terbesar adalah di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu populer di Indonesia saja dan sekitarnya. Disamping itu hukum di Negara Indonesia ini agak lemah, jadi mudah dimanfaatkan oleh broker2 asing yang tidak benar seperti itu , apalagi yang HYIP2 dan program2 investasi bodong, itu sudah tidak terhitung jumlahnya, dan pemerintah diam saja. (Pemerintah di Indonesia itu lebih diributkan kepada kepentingannya sendiri / politiknya, dan kurang mempedulikan masyarakatnya. mereka lebih mementingkan jabatan, politik, dan cara mengeruk uang negara hehe)
Pilihan kembali pada tangan anda sendiri. Kami hanya bisa mengedukasi saja tentang jalan yang benar ya.
ternyata omongan master benar, masalahnya kemarin waktu saya trading di instaforex chart pada MT4nya pergerakan harganya ndak sama dengan chart di marketiva. Saya jadi berpikir mungkin bukan satu orang yang dirugikan tapi banyak! Lalu kita harus ngadu kemana master? Ada ndak payung hukum yang menaungi trader?
di broker yang tidak teregulasi maka ya terima nasib saja Pak, tidak bisa mengadu.
Kalo ini gimana Master gemilangreksajaya. biz/apakah rentan untuk ikut disini??
HYIP itu Pak, jelas rentan dan tidak bisa untuk long term ya.
Boss Pengen tau mengenai bisnis-mulia/ dan PT. Gradasi Managemen apakah aman sy ikut disana.
HYIP itu Pak, hati2 ya.
Thanks soo much atas infonya boss, boss klu saya mau trading sekitar 200 jt an di broker2 yg dah ada ib indonesia dan yg saya simpulkan dari ket boss broker bagus yg ib indonesia nya ecnpro, gainscope n interbankpro menurut boss terjaminkah keamanan dana saya dan untuk longterm trading amankah di broker broker ini, thanks.
Menurut kami pasti terjamin Pak, karena mereka broker yang benar2 teregulasi dan aman.
Boss gmna dgn monex, setelah saya baca dari boss saya baru tahu klu monex tu bandar jd ngeri saya, takutnya mereka trade melawan trade saya, dari server mereka kadang saya merasa janggal n ordernya suka lambat, pantes aja saya sulit untuk profit, saya udh loss 300 juta di monex, gmna dgn broker singapore apakah ada yg boss rekomen? Apakah sebaiknya saya keluar dr monex? Mohon pencerahannya boss.
Monex memang bandar Pak 🙂
kami menyarankan untuk mencari broker luar negeri yang terdaftar juga di CFTC , karena fair dan non bandar.
Artigo de categoria.
Beritahukan tee and dengan klik ícone-ícone de bawah ini.

Crypto 888 Club Review: OctaCoin cryptocurrency Ponzi.
There is no information on the Crypto 888 Club website indicating who owns or runs the business.
The Crypto 888 Club website domain (“crypto888.club”) was registered on the 22nd of March 2015, with an “Aleksander Romanov” credited as the owner. An address in Malta is also provided.
Further research reveals Crypto 888 Club affiliates referring to Romanov (right) as the owner of the company itself. Why this information is not presented on the Crypto 888 Club website is a mystery.
Crypto 888 Club marketing presentations credit Romanov with owning “over 1000 betting shops and three casinos mainly in Eastern Europe”.
No further specifics are provided.
I wasn’t able to track down an MLM history for Romanov, so presumably Crypto 888 Club is his first MLM venture as an executive.
Read on for a full review of the Crypto 888 Club MLM business opportunity.
The Crypto 888 Club Product Line.
Crypto 888 Club has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market affiliate membership to the company itself.
Once signed up, affiliates can invest sums of up to €10,000 EUR and participate in the Crypto 888 Club income opportunity.
The Crypto 888 Club Compensation Plan.
The Crypto 888 Club sees affiliates invest up to €10,000, collect a weekly ROI and get paid to recruit others who do the same.
Crypto 888 Club offers six investment packages as follows:
When a Crypto 888 Club affiliate signs up and invests, their real world funds are converted into “digital chips”.
These digital chips hold no value outside of the Crypto 888 Club MLM opportunity.
Each week, Crypto 888 Club “pay” out weekly ROI based on the amount of digital chips an affiliate has.
How much of a ROI is paid out each week is determined by how much an affiliate initially invested:
At the end of the 26 week maturity period, Crypto 888 Club convert an affiliate’s digital chips into OctaCoins.
The value of OctaCoins is unknown.
Comissões de referência.
Referral commissions are paid out on investments made by recruited affiliates, paid out down three levels of recruitment.
Note that additional qualification criteria applies as follows:
nível 1 e # 8211; 5% level 2 – 3% (generate at least 6000 PV in sales volume) level 3 – 2% (generate at least 10,000 PV in sales volume)
PV stands for “Personal Volume” and is sales volume generated via personal investment and that of personally recruited affiliates.
How many points are generated depends on the amount of funds invested:
Binary Commissions.
Residual commissions in Crypto 888 Club are paid out using a binary compensation structure.
Uma estrutura de compensação binária coloca uma afiliada no topo de uma equipe binária, dividida em dois lados (esquerda e direita):
Positions in the binary represented recruited affiliates who have invested in at least one package.
Volume is generated by these positions through affiliate investment. Points are generated as per the referral commissions outlined above.
At the end of each week, Crypto 888 Club tally up the points generated on either side of the binary for that week.
Commissions are paid out based on the volume generated on the weaker side, paying out 10% of the total.
Note that binary commissions are capped based on how much a Crypto 888 Club affiliate has personally invested:
Note that in order to qualify for binary commissions, a Crypto 888 Club affiliate must recruit at least two affiliates who have invested in at least one package each.
Binary Matching Bonus.
A matching bonus is available on binary commissions earnt by recruited affiliates, paid out down three levels of recruitment.
As with the referral commissions, the following additional qualification criteria applies:
nível 1 e # 8211; 5% (generate 2000 PV) level 2 – 10% (generate 10,000 PV) level 3 – 15% (generate 20,000 PV)
Mandatory Reinvestment.
Note that an Crypto 888 Club affiliate is only paid 60% of any commissions earned.
40% of the funds paid out are withheld by the company and must be put towards investment in additional packages.
Joining Crypto 888 Club.
Affiliate membership with Crypto 888 Club is free, however affiliates must invest in at least one package in order to participate in the income opportunity:
The primary difference between these amounts is income potential through the Crypto 888 Club compensation plan.
Note that VIP affiliates are additionally awarded 1000 OctaCoins and shares in an online casino.
Specific details regarding the casino were not available at the time of publication.
Under the guise of paying out a purported 80% of profits generated via sports betting, Crypto 888 Club operate a recruitment-driven pyramid scheme tacked onto a dangerous cryptocurrency model.
The pyramid scheme of the business is pretty straight forward, with affiliates paid a commission to when recruited affiliates invest.
How much is paid out directly correlates to how much is invested by the newly recruited affiliates, as well as how much the affiliate themselves invested when they signed up.
In this sense Crypto 888 Club has a “pay to play” element to its compensation plan, with the more invested resulting in higher commission payouts.
On the backend of Crypto 888 Club you have this whole OctaCoin thing.
Real money is invested by affiliates, converted into Ponzi points (digital chips), which are then subsequently converted into a cryptocurrency nobody really knows anything about.
Quite obviously Octa Coin is being run by the same people behind Crytpo 888 Club (the 8s sort of give it away), with a whole bunch of coins preallocated to Aleksander Romanov and his buddies.
The value of OctaCoin is going to be artificially determined by the amount of funds coming from affiliates, calculated after binary, referral and matching commissions are paid out.
What with 24 weeks of monopoly money compounding investment, don’t expect OctaCoin to be worth much anytime soon.
Especially considering the coin is absolutely worthless to anyone outside of the Crypto 888 Club opportunity. Any merchants who do accept the coin are going to be Crypto 888 Club affiliates themselves, looking only to further increase their share of OctaCoins.
The beauty of the cryptocurrency Ponzi model is that Romanov can encourage affiliates to keep their funds trapped in the system, by promising that an exponential growth phase for OctaCoin is just around the corner.
Real money flows in, some is paid out via the binary, matching and referral commissions, and the rest dumped into a bank account.
Everyone is encouraged to retain their OctaCoins, in the fear that they might wake up tomorrow and see the value has skyrocketed.
That of course never happens, with Romanov and top investors quietly withdrawing deposited funds.
Then, when people start to wake up and cash in their coins, everyone finds out there’s no funds left and the scheme collapses.
Update 3rd September 2016 – In March, 2016 Crypto 888 Club collapsed and rebooted as Octa Partners.
Octa Partners has also collapsed, with the company now gearing up to reboot itself as Nano Club.
Posts relacionados:
Crypto 888 Club reboots for third time as Nano Club - Sep 3rd, 2016.
260 Comments on “Crypto 888 Club Review: OctaCoin cryptocurrency Ponzi”
Fun bit of trivia:
Someone already tried to launch a cryptocurrency called OctaCoin last year.
It was based on 8-bit gaming nostalgia and flopped.
Wonder why the guy who owns 1000 casinos is siting in kitchen and wearing officiant clothes 🙂
the russian spelling of his name would be Александр Романов. And there is no such russian person big in casino business, I would know.
The name sounds as is if some foreigner had to come up with some russian name and would use the royal one.
there is a company in Malta named SENET HOLDING LIMITED (which mentioned with Romanov’s name in whois), under company number C49698 and with registered address:
This entity does not have either gaming or any financial license.
It also possible that scammers just picked a random entity from the registry which does not have internet presence to save few hundreds on actually buying a company reg.
This thing may be Chinese. I’m finding a couple Chinese websites pushing it.
So far I have Kelabi(dot)com and makebichina(dot)com and peacecoin(dot)cc. They are ALL in Chinese.
Found even more, makebicn(dot)com and anzisky(dot)cn, they’re all clones of each other.
I think the main site has a “clone my site” kit for people to download. This thing had to be Chinese.
8 is a lucky Chinese number is it not?
Maybe someone in Hong Kong found some Russian random to front this. Probably promised him a lot of peanuts OctaCoins to take the heat.
Not finding who is this mysterious guy. Photo does not show up in Google, TinEye, Baidu, or Yandex , other than copies of the site. And I’ve tried both normal and mirrored.
(BTW, did you know that Baidu has a face search engine?)
Baidu scares me. Anytime I stumble into it I can’t shake the “this is just a cheap Google knockoff” sentindo-me.
The guy is too dark skinned for being a russian and gray hair is also rare within russians.
But who knows. My bet is someone just took pic of a waiter at a restaurant.
Too old to be a waiter. Background of that other guy suggests some sort of a hifi/DJ setup. I’d say singer.
My first reaction was Frank Sinatra Jr, but then I realized “wrong hair”. 😉
As another hint, try to rotate the pic so its aligned straight, maybe it was put under angle on purpose.
Before you do searches and i aslo think it has artificial light added, maybe darkening it a bit can produce a result. But I give up, could be just iphone pic.
I tried all that. Align, remove border, lighten vs. darken, etc. It’s just not coming on Yandex, Baidu+Sougo, TinEye, and Google.
137 SPinola Rd. St Julians Malta is a company reg house called Panlegis.
137 SPinola Rd. St Julians Malta is a company reg house called Panlegis.
I would not expect it to be anything other than this, did not even bother to look.
Aleksander Romanov = Male form of “Alexandria Romanov” !
Last Czarina, wife of Czar Nicholas who was the last Czar of Russia.
I’ve seen people use “Alexander” and “Nichole” Romanov as a “Russian” sounding name, they forget their first heard it in history class in high school……
Very common “fake” Russian sounding name.
This is a copy of one-coin or bigcoin. they have the same future as Ufun our of thailand.
Nigel Allan is the guy behind this gig – the old Ceo of OneCoin.
left in the Dark by OneCoin – nice for the secret services agency’s of all country’s to get these money laundering guys on the run.
Nigel is spotted in Bangkok as well – the militaire regime in Thailand will let them get money and momentum before they arrest them and keep the funds!
the OneCoin guys start to move in Asia, they know their time is limited… long live the Ponzi Birds who pretend to be mlm.
ps: Aleksander Romanov = 100% fake.
Ed, your info is wrong… Nigel Allan is just a distributor. He is not behind this deal as he is not related or part of the management in any way….
Also let me point out another wrong interpretation from the article itself, which says octacoin will don”t have any real market value, only inside the network.. This is false.
Octacoin will be a public coin from the very first minute. Public blockchain, anyone can verfy it and anyone can mine it, even if it is not in the network.
The octacoins is stored in ewallets in your computer, cellphone, tablet, whatever …
So the Coins is not controlled by the company and the value of the coin , - whatever it will be – is real market value. The company not making false claims regarding the future value like onecoin and utoken.
He is not behind this deal as he is not related or part of the management in any way….
Seeing as you know so much about Crypto 888 Club’s management, and what is being presented is looking pretty false thus far, perhaps you can fill us in?
Octacoin will be a public coin from the very first minute. Public blockchain, anyone can verfy it and anyone can mine it, even if it is not in the network.
Yet nobody except Crypto 888 Club affiliates will be using it. And only then because they’ve been promised Ponzi riches.
The rest of the world won’t care.
Also let me point out another wrong interpretation from the article itself, which says octacoin will don”t have any real market value, only inside the network.. This is false.
“This is false” wasn’t supported by any arguments leading up to that conclusion?
We use quite normal methods when we estimate the value of something, e. g. I use the definition “in a normal market” . It won’t include any illegal markets.
For an investment, the intrinsic value of the investment may be relevant. Liquidity may be relevant. Volatility may be relevant.
Intrinsic value = extremely low.
Liquidity = extremely low.
Volatility = extremely high (can suddenly collapse completely).
A currency will need to be commonly accepted in transactions to get any value, “in circulation” as a “medium of exchange” and as a temporary “store of value” .
* Product value? Na verdade não.
* Value as “collectibles”? Na verdade não.
* Emotional value? Na verdade não.
* Social value? Na verdade não.
Also let me point out another wrong interpretation from the article itself, which says octacoin will don”t have any real market value, only inside the network.. This is false.
I don’t see anything wrong in that statement. You failed to explain why you believe it’s false.
“Being public” doesn’t explain any market value.
“Mining” won’t add any value to a currency. It may add some additional costs, but additional costs are not the same as value.
“Public blockchain” doesn’t explain anything.
The octacoins is stored in ewallets in your computer, cellphone, tablet, whatever …
“Functionality” may be a relevant factor, but “it can be stored on a computer” won’t add much value in itself (e. g. all those temporary files I have stored on my computer will probably be completely unsellable in a normal market ).
So the Coins is not controlled by the company and the value of the coin , - whatever it will be – is real market value. The company not making false claims regarding the future value like onecoin and utoken.
Crypto 888 Club promises a ROI over 26 weeks to investors, from 20% to 60% “virtual ROI” (the number of OctaCoins will grow without any fresh money being brought in from the outside).
Big Fish : Nigel Allan is just a distributor. He is not behind this deal as he is not related or part of the management in any way….
And your proof of that is what, exactly? Your faith?
There have been a LOT of big-name distributors getting sweet backroom deals and “pretend” to be just one of the minions. (Powell’s jump from Herbalife to Vemma)
There also have been big blow-ups when such backroom deals came to light. (Nestler’s BDA with Jeunesse worth 90K)
Heck, there are even management pretending to be top distributor until they got outed (Tarun Trikha and his masquerade as “1st Diamond Distributor” until he finally came out as “CEO” of TVI Express pyramid scheme)
Or maybe have relatives be top distributors. (Tartol clan of a dozen high-rankers in Herbalife, Bob Proctor and his wife/daughter in Vemma)
Unless you care to provide proof of your allegations/assertions, you have proven nothing other than denial.
Aleksander Romanov = Male form of “Alexandria Romanov” !
Very common “fake” Russian sounding name.
The name itself is correctly formed. Alexander is greek male name , same as Alexandra is female version (translates to “nation defender”). There were 3 russian czars named Alexander Romanov.
If the spelling confused you, that is because russian use cyrillic alphabet and when they trying to write names in latin one they might spell it some other style than westerners used to.
Alexander in Cyrillic written as Александр.
note that there is no last ‘e’ and there is no a single letter sound for latin ‘x’ , the way the scammers come up with the spelling, might be just an online translator from the russian text or used spelling from existing text.
“Aleksander” spelling was not used in Russia.
USAGE: Polish, Slovene, Albanian, Estonian, Norwegian, Danish.
BancdeOptions heavily targeted Norwegian investors. Might be a co-incidence, might not.
“Aleksander” spelling was not used in Russia.
Aleksandr (without the e) is Russian and Armenian.
Alexandr Romanov 888poker:
The name may still be fake, but now we at least have some additional information to check.
Crypto 888 was marketed by a “Coach Van” on Youtube, so we may have some former Zeek members here.
Rocco Fish of Bidify fame is also heavily pimping Crypto 888 Club on Facebook.
“Aleksander” spelling was not used in Russia.
USAGE: Polish, Slovene, Albanian, Estonian, Norwegian, Danish.
You just mentioned nations (and some slavic) who uses latin alphabet vs. cyrilic 🙂
Of course it was never used in Russia, it is not even their alphabet, Александр is russian spelling.
And there is no point, the casino magnat by the name Alexander Romanov never existed.
You can have a better luck with Sergey Mayzus (owner of instaforex, liteforex, OkPay and various other online money laundering networks and forex kitchens).
During 90ies he ran a ring of casinos in Kaliningrad, Russia , just before gambling was banned across entire Russia.
Just found interesting news… “MaKeBi” the chinese name of the coin was involved in a scam back in 2014, in the Qindao region of China… but it claimed to be backed by a company in MALAYSIA, that starts WIth U (but it’s NOT UFun?!)
I forgot Makebi was used here. I seriously thought this was UToken, but the background company doesn’t quite fit UFun… unless this is a reload.
Now you can found the Management Team in the Backoffice…
Some really “interesting” also with negative backgrounds!
Seeing as the general public don’t have backoffice access, how about sharing some names?
Or some screenshots!
Yeah, i heard of this, a dutch “marketingspecialist as he calls himself” Frank van Zon is scamming people all over the world again.
The same person who participated in numerous MLM scams including Bonofa, Global one etc etc …
He sells his story tru mails from TMT Marketing Team and the address below is:
Andelst GLD 6673DT.
This guy has a flopped energy deal (Marshal Energy Global), thousands of families lost their savings!
his guru website – with the Bonofa Scam:
he has trouble with the dutch authorities. where this guy walks – there is no grass.
crypto888club: there is no gambling license – there is no bitcoin clone software – this will end like ufun.
it is a hit and run for money program.
This is a joke. Today someone presented to me the “opportunity”.
If this is a opportunity this is realy a joke. One another ballone that will suck peoples money and one year and everything is over.
Milionaires miliaders and the backoffice and the website is a real crap. Company not properly listed, owner structure is nowhere.
Millions in coins is a scam. Estar ciente. I give them 1 year and they will crush!
Bet on that. People try to find serious companies that are legal.
Fun bit of trivia:
Someone already tried to launch a cryptocurrency called OctaCoin last year.
It was based on 8-bit gaming nostalgia and flopped.
So they are having a second go? My question is can they really be that good at wagering that they could generate enough winnings to pay a decent return to investors, punters, gamblers?
um if not it will need to rely on new money coming in from packages, yes?
Ed, your info is wrong… Nigel Allan is just a distributor. He is not behind this deal as he is not related or part of the management in any way….
Could this be the reason why Nigel got tossed from OneCoin when they found out he the President of OneCoin was also doing 888 ?
He does say he has been doing 888 for 4 months so that means he was doing both Onecoin and 888 at the same time Opps.
Its interesting that with a tiny bit of research their seems to be a historical melting pot linking a bunch of front men, places and businesses to several start up companies, OneCoin, Crypto888, LeoCoin, Conligus, Bigcoin, Unaico, Sitetalk theres more but you get my drift.
I don’t believe the owners of the original OctaCoin are behind Crypto888. They’re just using the same name.
It ties in with their company name, which I believe is aimed at attracting Chinese investment (“8” is a lucky number in Chinese culture).
This makes me laugh. But seriously…
Domain Age: 1 Years, 134 Days.
Website Speed: Slow.
Owner: sarah taylor.
Owner Address: 48 dover road.
Owner City: manchester.
Owner Postcode: m27 8gp.
Phone Number: +44.01612110610.
Phone Type: generic:
Owner Country : United Kingdom.
Website Location : United States.
Title: Crypto 888 Club | The Crypto888 Club Program Rocks!
Domain Age: 57 Days.
Website Speed: Very Fast.
Organisation: WHOISGUARD, INC.
Owner Address: P. O. CAIXA 0823-03411
Owner City: PANAMA.
Owner Country : Hidden.
Website Location : United States.
Probable website origin :-
5%; Estados Unidos.
the holding company of crypto 888 is senet holding. it seems they are taking their ponzi to uganda:
Senet Holding Management Top visits Uganda.
The founder Alexander Romanov and our CEO Froystein Bakke have attended a major sports betting conference in Uganda recently.
“I see promise, willpower and determination amongst Ugandans. This region could be to Africa what the tiger economies are to Asia; with huge potential markets.
Uganda’s economy is like an African lion that is ready to roar,” Romanov, a Russian national, who was here for the first time noted.
here are their mug shots:
here is the article about the uganda trip published in the members club of crypto 888:
anonymous : Yeah, i heard of this, a dutch “marketingspecialist as he calls himself” Frank van Zon is scamming people all over the world again.
frank von zon is the ‘master distributor’ of crypto 888, heres how he signed off on a post:
The coming week the whole crypto888 global management including Alexander Romanov and Froystein Bakke will team up in Thailand with their network leaders and several other key people who are all working very hard to make both Crypto888 and the Octcoin a huge success.
Para o seu sucesso.
Master Distributor @ the Crypto888 Club.
alexander romanov is a russian from st petersburg, and froystein bakke is a norwegain.
Good job guys, wouldnt invest a Penny with such a ceo.
I am a Chinese student, in a friend’s introduction, I know the 888 clubs, and voted 1100 yuan.
now found that it is just a scam, but good investment is not much, so the loss is not large. (don’t care about my English) but I would like to make it clear that China’s investors are really victims.
They are guided by a few bad guys to guide investment in China, the spread of internet pyramid schemes, too many people cheated, alas, helpless.
Message from Nigel Allan, the Master Distributor of Crypto888 on Facebook 9th august, 2015:
I just want to clarify something in case anyone gets the wrong impression: At first I did not know it was a scam even though I was hired as president and contracted for 2%…
Only after they breached my contract after sales began to grow and Ruja told me “you are very expensive” did I start to piece the puzzle together and understand the scale of their fraud…with their fake coin, Ponzi scheme, money laundering, false accounting and so on.
When you piece it all together the fraud becomes obvious.
Looks like Nigel Allan is on the offensive against OneCoin. This is the History of Nigel Allan the Master Distributor of Crypto888.
He was the president of Onecoin, another company in his history where he did not know it was a scam until he made his money and decided to move on.
Nigel Allan must be so unlucky that he gets involved in so many scams. How long will it be before Nigel Allan leaves Crypto888 and calls it a scam.
Again Nigel Allan will be hero by letting the world know that he was involved in another scam. Good Luck guys if you really want to join Crypto888 scam.
To sum up this is a typical network pyramid schemes and POND’S scam? How can I expose the fraud?
my sister already investment on this. I was supposed to be one of her invites. I was just about to invest 1050 euro for my daughter and 5050 euro for me.
I have been scammed twice but because its my sister that made the invite I thought its safe. I was in the middle of work and I thought to check what crypto888 was all about.
Obrigado a todos. I will not invest a penny on this.
This company are top up with old scammers from severals old companys with a dark history, let start with Unaico-Sitetalk-Enigro`s brilliant scammer Jarle Thorsen……. he is there and if someone heard he is “JUST” a networker…..lol.
2nd is Frode Jorgensen was the face of Bidify and from Plexpay network were he end up 3 years in jail.
3rd you have another Norwegian guy, he just came out from jail…. this is just few lines and people need to understand that this people will fuck all of you big time f you spend money into crypto888.. AGAIN.
This company are top up with old scammers from severals old companys with a dark history, let start with Unaico-Sitetalk-Enigro`s brilliant scammer Jarle Thorsen.
Then you probably have Rune Evensen (Hong Kong / Norway), Dan Andersson (Sweden) and multiple other names — dating back to PIPS, WGI World Games Inc., T5PC The Five Percent Community, etc., etc., etc.
(Realtid. se about Enigro)
You’d need at least a dozen guys.
Rule number one. Never work near where you live.
You can’t do it alone, ya know. It takes a mob of guys like you and enough money to make ’em look good.
Rule number two. Don’t write anything down.
And, for God’s sake, make sure the person you’re conning isn’t conning you.
Fellas… last year I made three million dollars. But your 50.000 was the most fun.
You’re gonna get wet, might as well go swimming.
We weren’t gonna hurt anybody. We weren’t gonna steal from anybody didn’t have it coming. And we were gonna play the game like we had nothing to lose.
Work smart – not hard.
There used to be a president of this company named Nigel Allan, but was terminated for some reason…
Not sure exactly what he did, but here is the legal letter:
Please be aware that due to breach of OneCoin business policy, Mr. Nigel Allan effective from 01 of January 2015 is no longer acting as a President of OneCoin.
With respect to the above, please be informed that , Mr Nigel Allan as of Tuesday 24 February 2015 is officially terminated from developing or promoting any network position with OneCoin.
Given the above we hereby kindly ask all members to be careful when conducting communication with Mr. Allan.
OneCoin – Legal and Compliance.
And then shortly after the founder Dr. Ruja posted this:
I would like to add some personal words to the announcement above.
Nigel has betrayed my trust, proven to be illoyal and living up to his online reputation. Therefore I have decided that he has to leave the company immediately and has no place in the OneCoin network.
After his track record I assume it will be very difficult for him to find a new project.
So called Dr. Ruja.
I like to add few Valuable Information for all the Victims of Ponzi Scam, which you of course are one the orchestrate along side with your sugar Daddy Sebastian Greenwood 😉
Nigel Allen left your company at his own will, the internal dispute over more %.
You stole the Blueprint for BigCoin from John NG, the only founder of “BigCoin” your “EX” Partner that is of course after you and Sebastian Greenwood scammed him out of his initial investment and his new project.
Nigel received a very good offer from Jarle Thorsen (current 30% shareholder of Sitetalk and Founder of OctaCoin-888) and yes my dear Ruja this is the only reason Nigel left your company.
OctaCoin-888 is an exact copy of GetEasy MLM. (Out of Business for about a year) so if we all look very deep you can see all of connecting dots.
Ruja (fake Dr. & Lawyer)
Terje Hvidsten Casino License holder A. K.A “Aleksander Romanov”
These guys are good, but not good enough :))))
P. S NIGEL ALLAN – Network Leader Asia. Notorious British Conman (OneCoin scam, Brilliant Carbon scam), who currently lives in Thailand same place as Sebastian Greewood and possibly wanted or investigated by financial police from several countries.
Ruja (fake Dr. & Lawyer)
Terje Hvidsten Casino License holder A. K.A “Aleksander Romanov”
Terje Hvidsten was new. LinkedIn listed 5 different ones. I will guess that this Terje Hvidsten is the one living in Telemark, Norway — a Nuskin Executive Distributor / health consultant / website designer since 2003.
Terje Hvidsten has been in jail 9 times in Norway and Germany, he lives in Ski, Norway.
Last year he got 5 years in prison for children abuse and Freud/business scam. He will start his new sentence later this year.
He together with Dag Verner Eriksen (also been in jail several times in same scam case/freud as Jarle Thorsen), use a criminal lawer ; Petter Forsberg to money laundering/transfer the money around the world.
The Lawyer” Petter Forsberg is working as a cohabitation consultant.
He have been involved in severale freuds together with; Hvidsten, Thorsen and his best friend Dag Verner Eriksen.
I was recently invited by a friend to join CRYPTO888 and not doing any research on my own and trusted her judgement I came in with a small investment, but I’m now having second thoughts after a friend told me I was doing business with criminals. OUCH!!
So, before I continue i’ll be doing my own research. Here is the management team;
Attorney / Legal Department.
Petter has a law degree from 1981 and has run a private practice as a lawyer since 1986. Petter is also an investor, founder and director of several companies.
He has three years of bank experience, the Bank Academy 1st division, an Erickson diploma in coach 4th level, and has also worked as a couple therapist. Petter manages our legal department and will handle any jurdical issues for crypto888.
Aleksander Romanov Founder.
Aleksander Romanov is one of the founders and a member of the board in Senet Holding.
Aleksander has put together a professional management team and a marketing team with some of the strongest networkers around the world and their main focus is on building the business.
CEO of Asia Development.
John Splidt-Larsen is in charge of developing the Asian market for Octa Capital Group, and he has more than 20 years of experience working with multi-businesses operations and senior management. John also has extensive network marketing experience and will take care of the development and member organization within Asia. John lives in Vietnam with his wife and daughter. Being a former President of World BBQ Association, John loves to gather friends and family around the fire.
Paal Berntsen Chief Operating Officer.
Paal has been working with sales and marketing for more than 20 years. He is our COO and will be handling the finances/accounting and the daily overviews of our business. Paal is constantly improving our logistics and transaction times.
Frøystein Bakke Club President / CEO.
Frøystein “Freddy” has more than 15 years experience as a senior broker in the Oslo market with leading houses such as Pareto, SEB Enskilda, ABG Sundal Collier and Warren AS.
He has also worked as a freight broker at P&O Nedlloyd, Hamburg. He is a graduate with a business degree BSc from Handelshøyskolen BI and BIBIS in Germany. Frøystein has expertise in recommendations on individual shares on Oslo Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange.
Frank Van de Wege CEO of Octa Capital Group.
15 years experience as CEO and manager of MLM companies and independent business owner since the age of 21, Frank Van de Wege has extensive experience within the MLM business.
His focus is to develop the Octa Project and the Octacoin to a number one position in the world, to the benefit of all our members. Frank is from Belgium and has two daughters with his partner Kathy, and sailing is one of his passions.
As I continue my research if you have any documented proof, I’d appreciate it. Obrigado.
@Debbie The business model is what you should be looking at. Using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors is a Ponzi scheme.
Mickey Mouse could be running the show and it still wouldn’t make a difference.
And Bernie Madoff was once head of NASDAQ. So what?
I was also invited by a friend, a golden ticket.. he said. So i tried it…and i still am.
I did have some doubts about this MLM, trying others before, this one is completely different.
They promise you a % of the profit they make of gambling EVERY WEEK! Monday = payday.
I say gambling because they have a team of 3 x 8 people who continuously BET, so they claim.
I think there is no team betting day in day out getting those profits. The only “profits” they pay out are from new members buying new packages.
Now about those octacoins, octacoins are only listed in members websites, no offcial cryptocoin or coin website.
They’ve got a website crycen where you can buy or sell octacoins (for bitcoins). My guess, this is also runned by a member.
After the 26 weeks i’m getting out, seen by who this is runned!
So long story short.
Back in the day I was actually looking at getting involved with the one coin nonsense.
In the process of trying to recruit me I was contacted by Nigel Allen. He consequently added me as a friend on Facebook and I have maintained some contact with him over time due to my curiosity of what he’s doing.
I spoke with him about 2 weeks ago. He volunteered that he is involved with crypto888, and doing exceptionally well with it. Claiming 200000 euros per month. 6 million euros in the last 11 months.
As far as Y he gets out of the schemes that he gets involved in he always paints himself as being the victim. “They tried to steal money from me.”
One can only hope that all of the scammers end up losing everything one day, or that some pissed off rube finds their mark with a rifle.
Has anyone made any money with crypto888?And how much is octacoin worth if anything.
The team behind crypto888 sounds like a disaster. OMG if that is true these ppl should be shot.
The best mlm-company I have ever seen. I make about €2000/week (payed out on bank account) on a passive way.
The octacoin is on the free market (crycen) The value is about €11/coin today!!
Being a Pro-member for 1.5 year now. Untill 1 month ago, good profits of average 10% a week and proper regular payouts.
But now already 1 month waiting for payouts, all withdraw requests, in total several thousands euros stay “pending”.
They blaim their prepaidcard partner PFS (London) for having technical issues, but they (PFS) replied to me at my e-mails, that they are not aware of any technical issues of any kind.
Support is not responding on my request to explain why they are not any longer payout the due withdrawal.
So I guess that the shit now finally starts hitting the fan!
Interessante! @El Toro - What is the status for your payout?
I’m sorry to say, still no payout and no reaction at all from support.
@el toro So you did make good money with the program? Is it possible to show a screenshot of your pending balance? THX.
Pro member since 1.5 years? Mesmo? The whole thng was started not even a year ago… i guess El toro is not even a member or he is not paying attention to details too much..
in fact the company already started to pay out the pending comissions a week ago. Many people already got it and since there was a long list, many will get it in the next few days.
I can bet this El Toro could not show you any screenshot..
@Hans de Bruyne, No offence Hans, but I don’t know you, what would be the surplus value of doing that?
@el toro I am member since three weeks. I know the whole program and platform is changing.
Is saw some payout reports and it all seems ok. I dont understand why on This site are so negative comments ( most of april 2015 ) .
@Hans de Bruyne, No offence Hans, but I don’t know you, what would be the surplus value of doing that?
Exactly what i was pointed out! Proof that you are a member at all, not just some stupid troublemaker.
Plus, if you are really a member, - and as you said, so far everything was working perfectly ,- now for the first sign of trouble, you as a member,( who already get out a bunch of money i guess, ) go and put a comment like this, into a site like this.
Instead of ask your sponsor or upline… This is really hard to belive. (that someone is either that so dumb, or that so evil).
@Topgun, besides a lot of BS you wrote, I seemed to have missed the things that you “pointed out”, or it must be the fact that you are probably one of those “MLM zombies” that feel personaly attacked as soon as one negative word is written about their company, although they are facts.
For that matter, I don’t need to proof anything to you at all, just sharing some facts about actual things that happen within Crypto888, now calling themselve Octaland.
But at one point you are right, I started in March 2015 and indeed this is not 1.5 year, my bad.
Just for your information, today I received this message, so I guess (hope) payments will be resumed:
OCTANEWS – the newsletter that gives you valuable updates about the Octaproject, Octacoin, Octaland and related ventures.
GREAT NEWS! Payments are finally being processed by the bank.
As you all probably have noticed, payments have been delayed lately. We just want to ensure everybody that outstanding payments now are being processed by the bank.
Members will see the money arriving in the next coming days.
Due to stricter rules being enforced by the banks for KYC, we encountered some major challenges during the last few weeks. We haven’t solved everything yet, but we’re well on our way and are very happy to restart normal payments again.
We assure you that all your payments will be processed in the next days.
We thank you for your patience and appreciate your positive spirit,
Frank Van de Wege,
CEO Octa Capital Group.
To my opinion, bad vibes could have been avoided if support would have answered questions in time and not leaving me and many others of this network for over 1 month in uncertainty about what is going on exactly.
For sure I don’t need to explain to you that investing in this company is not about love, but strictly businesslike and although building trust in every MLM business takes a long time, it won’t take that long at all to loose it again.
@el toro I am member since three weeks. I know the whole program and platform is changing.
Is saw some payout reports and it all seems ok. I dont understand why on This site are so negative comments ( most of april 2015 )
Let me be clear Hans, you are right about the payouts, I also made good money from it during the past year.
I was just pointing out the way this company behaved from last month untill now in regards to pending payouts.
They reported already several weeks ago that all problems would be solved before the 8th of March, but only today, 16th of March, we received news that “normal” (I wonder what they mean by that…) payments will be processed over the next days.
If they continue to pay out, I agree that this is one of the best opportunities to make good solid money. Although you have to invest first a quite firm amount of money to make it worth (smaller positions below Pro will grow more slowly, it will give you value for your money.
I’m not that eager about latest changes overall though, but we will see what the future brings. Good luck with your membership.
@el toro I am member since three weeks. I know the whole program and platform is changing.
Is saw some payout reports and it all seems ok. I dont understand why on This site are so negative comments ( most of april 2015 ) .
My reply #75 was meant for you Hans.
@El Toro – Any money yet? You seems to be a smart guy, that understand that this is a time limited investment and that it will hit the fan!
@El Toro – Any money yet? You seems to be a smart guy, that understand that this is a time limited investment and that it will hit the fan!
No T. Ebi, sorry to say, still no money received, although a mail was send on the 16th of March, promissing that each member would receive their pending withdrawals within “the next days”. So let’s give them a few mor days…..
In regards to Crypto888, still no money received and no reaction at all from their support.
Again a massif scam has taken the money from thousands of people that trusted them!
@El Toro Thank you for the feedback & that you keep us updated!
What i don’t understand : They have 700.000 members and on whole the internet i can’t find one person who tells that he lost money (except El Toro) whit this program, only some persons who claim that is a scam.
The nature of these schemes places great emphasis on reinvestment. It also encourages leaving your money in the system as the operators peg arbitrary (but always increasing) value on the points invested in.
You won’t hear from those scammed until it is well and truly too late.
hans de buyser : They have 700.000 members and on whole the internet i can’t find one person who tells that he lost money (except El Toro) whit this program, only some persons who claim that is a scam.
Now consider these additional points of information.
1) They *say* they have 700000 members. Can any one other than the scheme *prove* they really have 700000 members? No, there’s no proof they have 700000 members.
2) As Oz explained, in a Ponzi scheme of a similar nature, NOBODY EXCEPT THE PERPETRATOR (and his confidants) realize it’s a scam until there’s no money left in the system, after most of it has been siphoned off to the “net winners”.
Madoff managed to pay out BILLIONS of dollars until only a couple million was left. And NOBODY knew it’s a scam until Madoff chose to tell his sons and his sons called in their lawyer and the FBI.
3) The victims who realize they have lost money often refuse to talk about it. Those who made a lot of noise are often offered “shut up money” by the perpetrators.
In Ad Surf Daily a member who audited the books at the request of the perp Andy Bowdoin told Bowdoin he’s running a Ponzi scheme. Bowdoin gave him his money “earned” and principal for his silence and the scheme continued for another 2 years.
Others just refuse to acknowledge any loss and/or are psychologically desperate to join another scheme to “make back” the money lost and refuse to admit they made a bad choice as that would shake their confidence.
It’s been studied by asset recovery groups (who go after ponzi schemes) that half of the victims, even when directly asked for permission to go after assets that can be recovered, just did nothing. Few of them are no doubt in secret negotiations with the perps hoping to recover money that way.
Add that all together, and the conclusion is you can’t judge whether a scheme is a scam or not by number of complaints because 1) most participants don’t know whether it’s a scam or not 2) even if they know they won’t tell you as they want to make sure they get their money back.
What i don’t understand : They have 700.000 members and on whole the internet i can’t find one person who tells that he lost money (except El Toro) whit this program, only some persons who claim that is a scam.
I don’t know wether they have 700K members or not Hans, for sure the network is large, that’s the reason that I also don’t understand their behaviour. They could have been in (good) business for many years to come with an even bigger network, given the present growth in China and other countries.
The final test will be next week, because with the new system they implemented, they have to pay out the monthly profits around april 3th. If, again, any payment stays out, it’s safe to say that it was indeed a big scam.
You won’t hear anything from the big mouthers within this network, they have filled their pockets and simply hop to the next scam. It’s one big happy family and they know eachother very well.
This guy Frank vd Wege was acting as CEO at Euphony in Belgium short before the curtain there finally closed. It looks like he now is hired again, this time for directing the final chapter of Crypto888….who knows.
Next week we will find out more!
@EL TORO. Did you receive your money?
@ EL TORO. Did you receive your money ?
No Hans, untill now nothing, nada!
@ EL TORO : Can you show a screenshot of your pending cash account?
@ EL TORO : Can you show a screenshot of your pending cash account?
Pending Withdrawal : 2,995.
@El Toro: Any money yet?
@El Toro: Any money yet?
No John, that is to say, so far only a small amount (100 euro) was paid out of the total pending amount of near to 3000 euro.
Also we had our first monthly program result with the new system they changed into. Instead of the 5-10% weekly profits we had before, now they’ve come up with a monthly profit of 12.64%, payable in Octacoins.
However, value of those Octacoins have been reduced from over 20 euro to nearly 5 euro within several weeks!
Current Rate 1 OCT / 4.19 EUR.
@El Toro: So this is a big scam?
@El Toro: So this is a big scam?
I fear so John, for sure they have serious liquid problems, given the fact that they are not willing/able to pay out the network for over 2 months now!
@El Toro: Thanx. Keep me update, please.
@El Toro: Thanx. Keep me update, please.
Will do so John.
@El Toro: Any money yet or any answers from the owners?
No money yet John. Clearly they have serious money issues themselve.
This is their latest comment:
due to the large amount of pending withdrawals, it will take some time before all are processed.
Our finance department are processing the withdrawal requests in chronological order. Obrigado pela sua compreensão.
I guess that a large part of the network is still waiting (hoping) to be paid out…..
Thats so sad to hear. Im not gonna sell this to my friends.
Hope to get my money back some day.
I have similar experience of no payout to the bank .. same excuses as above.
Doesn’t take 2 months to transfer monies into the account does it?? .. whole lot of bullshit.
And feel sorry for all the people still stupidly coming into the system especially from China..Someone has to publish the Scam openly and shame the greedy culprits.
They don’t have a blady system in place and poor people are victims of this ponzi game.
@Bell, “Someone has to publish the Scam openly and shame the greedy culprits”.
Well, I guess that’s where we come in place.
Let’s inform the network (from bottom up) and potential victims by using social media for publishing this scam and to end it.
It seems that mainly the bigger accounts (Pro and up) are targeted by this scam policy. Smaller amounts of pending withdrawals are paid out here and there, as the larger pending amounts won’t be paid.
I even know some people with really big accounts, who invested a lot of money in this fraude, who cannot any longer login into their accounts….
Yes El Toro my big invester can’t even Login in now.. says blocked .. looks like it’s history and we do have to warn potential victims of this scam via Social media as you suggested..
It’s a lesson learnt and never ever go into a locked in system as they profit themselves. No wonder they hired Nigel Allan as the mastermind.
These scammers will have to face their karma very soon.
Well it didn’t take to long for this one! Same as every Pyramid; no new money in, then no money out = Ka Boom.
If you are in anyone of their others like OCTA-anything, GET OUT NOW!
it’s a lesson learnt and never ever go into a locked in system as theyprofit themselves.
Will you join a different program in the future? What will you look out for so you’re not scammed again – other than a ‘locked in system’?
Sad to hear everyone being scammed!
I have a family member heavily involved in this and he’s stubborn as a goat, that this is working.
He’s making money he says. But all he do is reinvesting opening new accounts.
He have only just got back same amount invested from the beginning. So that’s good!
As He wants me to invest in this but I rather not..
How about looking for a real business that seeks a real product and does not promise incredible double digit returns?
Just received this message:
You may have been wondering why you have not heard much from the company recently. This ‘media blackout’ was necessary to finish off some major contracts, which could not leak due to stock exchange regulations.
Yes, you read it correctly – STOCK EXCHANGE REGULATIONS.
We are very happy to announce that due to the efforts of members in the last year turning Crypto888 into a record-breaking success, with more than 740,000 members, the assets of Senet Holding have recently been acquired by a European Stock listed company, making our collective dream of a stock market floatation a reality several years SOONER THAN ORIGINALLY PLANNED.
This is a major achievement and will bring substantial benefits to all our members now and in the future, along with a few changes in the way we do business.
Therefore, watch this space for news on:
• Upgrades and improvements to our website in early May 2016.
• Increased transparency in all our areas of business due to stock exchange regulations.
• The long-awaited fungibility and utility of our cryptocurrency, including mobile wallets.
• A major announcement of a partnership with a NASDAQ and Bloomberg-listed company.
• New payment solution to avoid future payment delays and some of the frustrations some of you have experienced recently.
• Developments in the Octaland project towards a physical realization of the dream.
• Updates and announcements on the First Emerald gas exploration project.
• Information on our upcoming global convention in Bali, Indonesia.
If you wish to be part of an incredible future, our advice right now is JOIN US IN BALI with as many of your team as you can.
See you at the top!
Frank van de Wege.
Might be good after all. Did u received your money yet?
What’s the name of the European stock listed company?
Might be good after all. Did u received your money yet?
Let’s hope that John, so far no money.
What’s the name of the European stock listed company?
I have no clue Char, I suppose they will reveil that later on.
Their website is down as well for maintenance. Just when they can’t pay anyone, this is nothing new they all do same thing, same excuses, same lies = same results “0” Dinheiro.
• A major announcement of a partnership with a NASDAQ and Bloomberg-listed company.
There is no such thing as a Bloomberg-listed company? Bloomberg is a news source not an exchange?
NASDAQ is an exchange and Octa Capital Group is a scam.
Their website is down as well for maintenance.
Website is up aund running.
What’s the bet the Euro stock exchange is going to be Cyprus?
In any event, none of that explains why they stopped paying everyone.
What does is they ran out of newly invested funds. Obvious is obvious.
Wow…they say they went quiet.. and now listed on Nasdaq etc.
Can a 1 year old company with no proper banking system get listed. Who’s intelligence are they trying to insult..
Char I am already in another programme that has no lock in.
Website is up aund running.
Website is up aund running.
crypto888.club would be the member site. i am not sure what site you are trying to link to Scammed.
Website is in Maintenance.
We are currently improving our website to show you the amazing features brought to you by Crypto888 Fase II.
The NoLink:crypto888.club website is not under maintenance.
Whatever the site Scammed linked is under maintenance but that is not the Crypto888.club site. As even seen in the review. The link he posted is a offsite link.
Apologies chrisstone, the url I referred to is below:
However at the end of the day, no one is getting paid, correct!
scammed : However at the end of the day, no one is getting paid, correct!
I don’t really know about the pay issue part. Just seen the link part wasn’t accurate.
Char I am already in another programme that has no lock in.
What do mean by lock in?
And the new program, do you get to recruit others?
Website is up aund running. Really El Toro.
This is the correct websitelink, site is working: crypto888.club/index. php.
Char.. You can remain to be passive to get yr monthly dividends or you can be active if you want to further enhance yr income.
Where are you from by the way?
Bel : You can remain to be passive to get yr monthly dividends or you can be active if you want to further enhance yr income.
Typical Ponzi scheme pitch… Sit back and let money roll in, or actively recruit and get paid for bringing in more money.
May want to look up Nanci Jo Fraser and “Profitable Sunrise” ponzi.
Typical Ponzi scheme pitch… Sit back and let money roll in, or actively recruit and get paid for bringing in more money.
Crypto888 has all the bells & whistle’s of a Ponzi and not getting paid with the excuse of making things better is how they ALL end!
My friends are stuck in Traffic Monsoon with the similar same story?
How could things ever get better, if not getting the reward of why you entered the deal any way? They all blame something or someone else? Such a great deal, how could it ever have any interruptions?
Char.. You can remain to be passive to get yr monthly dividends or you can be active if you want to further enhance yr income.
Where are you from by the way?
What’s the name of the other program you’re in? No links, just the name thanks.
Crypto888 aparently involved in some gas project in Taiwan! Any news on that?
Manne : aparently involved in some gas project in Taiwan!
And UToken claimed to own mines all over the world, and so did Gemcoin…
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” & # 8212; Carl Sagan.
Manne it another Scam that will never ever come to fruition. They are trying to sell their stock in a company that won’t amount to anything. Comprador beware!
Crypto888 aparently involved in some gas project in Taiwan!
Any news on that?
This was their newsletter in february about this topic:
Blue Dragon Resources Oil & Gas LTD is a new energy company owned by the OCTA CAPITAL GROUP (OCG).
Blue Dragon was formed with the single purpose of securing Natural Gas concessions in Taiwan in return for international gas competence and technology. Now you can be part of this fantastic opportunity, which is exclusive to our company and members.
A One-Time Opportunity:
If you buy shares before 1st of March you are entitled to buy shares for €1,0 each, after this date the price will go up to €1,25, and after that the sky is the limit as less shares are available, so be smart and be part of this fantastic venture from the get go!
You can now buy shares in the MBO:
Every share has a unique ISIN Code, which is a global standard that identifies securities:
Blue Dragon Ltd is the only private company to receive Gas Concessions in the Taiwanese waters, which gives OCG a unique position and opportunity to huge profits, which will benefit all shareholders and members personally – and the company’s growth as a whole.
So hurry up, seize the moment and take part in our next success!
Marketing and Press Manager on behalf of The Global Management.
Crypto888 aparently involved in some gas project in Taiwan! Any news on that?
all scammers have gas. everything they say is just one big fart.
Don’t they need an army of bodyguards then on the next event in Bali??
Between al thousends of members who are not payed?
You need to be licensed to offer “stock” in such an offering, Octa Capital is not licensed firm nor more than likely is any Crypto888 member… Typical collect money deal with the consequences later.
Blue Dragon Resources Oil & Gas LTD is a new energy company owned by the OCTA CAPITAL GROUP (OCG).
Blue Dragon was formed with the single purpose of securing Natural Gas concessions in Taiwan in return for international gas competence and technology. Now you can be part of this fantastic opportunity, which is exclusive to our company and members.
A One-Time Opportunity:
If you buy shares before 1st of March you are entitled to buy shares for €1,0 each, after this date the price will go up to €1,25, and after that the sky is the limit as less shares are available, so be smart and be part of this fantastic venture from the get go!
You can now buy shares in the MBO:
Every share has a unique ISIN Code, which is a global standard that identifies securities:
Blue Dragon Ltd is the only private company to receive Gas Concessions in the Taiwanese waters, which gives OCG a unique position and opportunity to huge profits, which will benefit all shareholders and members personally – and the company’s growth as a whole.
So hurry up, seize the moment and take part in our next success!
Marketing and Press Manager on behalf of The Global Management.
Don’t they need an army of bodyguards then on the next event in Bali??
Between al thousends of members who are not payed?
Well, I guess that they don’t expect majority to spend again lots of money for coming to Bali, on top of all the money we already lost by their scamming.
Octa Capital needs to be licensed to offer stock as Mr. Viken claims, period! Besiodes if their coins are so great and profitable then why do they need to sell stock in some BS venture.
El toro, as you said before, you made good profits with This program, so you didnt loose nothing at all!
I can’t trust nobody on this forum!
El toro, as you said before, you made good profits with This program, so you didnt loose nothing at all!
I can’t trust nobody on this forum!
I don’t quite understand your comment here Mahjong. What does the fact that I made good money has to do with you trusting nobody on this forum?
Indeed I got my investment back, more or less, but now, on the point that I should start making some serious profits on my initial investment, Crypto888 stopped paying withdrawals.
My only luck was that I invested right at the beginning of this, but for sure there will be a lot of members that invested also and see nothing coming back as long they are not paying out correctly.
El Toro , I dont feel sorry for. You are all big suckers.
You are the type of investors who buys time share appartments in Gran Canaries and hoping for big returns lol.
El Toro , I dont feel sorry for. You are all big suckers.
You are the type of investors who buys time share appartments in Gran Canaries and hoping for big returns lol.
Hey Ferrari man, I don’t need you to be sorry for me, thank you. Enjoy your ride in your Fiat and keep on dreaming of a Ferrari, lol.
take a look at the latest newsletter… love the part when they set the price of shares at €5.13.. this is not going to end well.. anyone has more info what is going on there ?
OCTANEWS – the newsletter that gives you valuable updates about the Octaproject, Octacoin, Octaland and related ventures.
Great news: First Emerald Ltd Gas Project shows huge potential, the shares are going up.
We are extremely happy to announce that the gas surveys conducted in the Taiwan Zone so far have shown very high potential. This means that the value of our First Emerald Ltd shares is going up!
The last couple of weeks, the pressure tests and new 2D seismic survey have shown that the concessions have a very high potential. As a result of these tests and survey, the classification of the concessions will be upgraded from 3P (Possible) to 2P (Probable).
This is a work in progress and means that more tests and surveys will be done on other concessions the next months. You can read all about the project here:
The classification upgrade signifies that the value of your shares will keep increasing. With these results we’re obligated to raise the share value, the latest on Friday at 12.00 GMT.
All calculations show that the new price will be set at €5.13. Be aware that this price will keep on increasing in the next weeks and months when new tests are made public.
These are exciting times, we will keep all of you informed about the progress of our First Emerald Gas Project so take part now and stay tuned!
Marketing and Press Manager on behalf of The Global Management.
ziomek, great post! An illegal solicitation to purchase stock, more like OCTABLUES than News? This too will end in tears…
Did anyone check if 1st emerald gas company exist??I don’t see any website …and how can the gas shares go up every week… now I heard €12+.
Investors been told to top up using cash and club accounts.. to benefit greedy leaders. From February my cash money has not even been transferred to my bank account… it’s end of April now.
No credibility and their accounts are all in Hong Kong. .
It only exists in the minds of crypto888 scammers. They are creating the value themselves of a proposed conceptual holding company called Blue Dragon Resources neither of each have any underlying value “0” other than the BS they print on the Power Point Presentations with humongous financial projections, imaginative forecasts and pretty pictures!
Buyer Beware of self proclaimed prophesies which have no substance whatsoever.
It appears by asking club members to use the cash in their accounts that obviously isn’t even there is their strategy of giving you something worthless so they can avoid possible litigation and investigation as to why member could not get their money?
If members buy something like this BS Stock it is a win, win for Crypto888?
All these so called leaders from Asian countries are filling up their pockets with bullshittng their down lines with big plan in the future…wt the so called BS crypto888..
People wake up and do your own research…
Crypto888 aka Octacoin is one big scam, period! Now mainly targeting on peoples money in China and other Asian countries.
Since february not paying any amount of pending withdrawals and consistently declining any new withdrawal requests without any further explanation.
Don’t invest in this buch of criminals, you will lose your money for sure. It will be just a matter of time now before this whole fraude will collaps and owners are prosecuted.
Yes am tired of monies being declined and not transferred without valid reasons.
Did you hear the latest..I got this text which is not even updated from Sennet holdings to our emails.. our Asian leaders sent thi, read below:
Dear Team members, the moment we have waiting for is almost here.
Octa Capital Group Ltd. is now a Public listed company on the European Stock Exchange.
As such we are upgrading our back office starting on Monday 4pm and the site will be on maintainence till Friday next week..
1) All € in cash account at 3.59pm on Monday will be converted to Octa Capital shares at 1€/share.
2) All unused coupons will be converted back into cash account and Octa Capital shares will be purchased at 1€/share.
3) All bonus received for this week payable on Monday will be used to buy Octa Premium Coins (OPR) at €0.10/coin . An additional 10% of OPR will be given by the company.
Por exemplo. If your bonus in cash account is €5000 then 50,000 OPR + 5000 OPR will be given to you.
4) All funds in your club account will be made zero by 3.59pm (Malaysian time ) on Monday so please purchase gas shares or buy coupons with your club.
Please inform your entire team on this important information.
What do you make out of the above??
Haven’t received anything in the email from the company yet. ..did anyone hear Anything yet?
My monies too have not been in since February… looks like they’re complicating the whole system.
Well Su, this is the latest official newsletter we received today:
OCTANEWS – the newsletter that gives you valuable updates about the Octaproject, Octacoin, Octaland and related ventures.
The final steps to the next level…
As you already know, the assets of Senet Holding have recently been acquired by a European Stock listed company. These few changes need your attention…
What will happen in the next few days…?
Monday the 2nd of May, after running the binary commissions and the monthly Octa Program, the site will go into Maintenance mode until the following Monday, May 9th 2016.
What will happen in the meantime?
1. All your OctaCoins (OCT) will be exchanged to our NEW Proof of Stake (POS) coin, the OctaPremium (OPR). Everybody will receive his/her coins from the original exchange value of 12,35 euro…
Ou seja You have activated a PRO package of 5,050 euro when the OCT had a 7€ value, you received 714,285714 OCT in your Program deposit. On May 9th, after the exchange, you will get 714,285714*12,35 euro = 8,821.42 euro.
2. After the calculations everybody will receive the new coin in their back-office and wallet.
Ou seja 8,821.42 €/0.10 euro (Value of the OPR coin) = 88,214.2857 OPR coin. This means, you get an increase of 74% due to the take-over of the company.
3. All cash in the CASH account will be converted to Octa Capital Shares.
These shares are very valuable since we had a major increase in First Emerald Ltd thanks to the 2P quotation. Price is currently 1€ per share. All the shares can be traded on the Octa Trading platform from June 1st 2016 and be changed into euro or OPR.
4. All Amounts on Club accounts will be reset to zero.
5. Your last binary Run will be on May 2nd 2016 in this Program. Earnings will be converted for 100% into OPR coin + you will get a bonus of 10% extra.
6. All existing, non-used vouchers will be turned back into cash and also converted to Octa Capital Shares.
7. All your existing shares will remain.
8. Your current structure and Binary points will remain.
9. Company will cancel all remaining Withdrawal Request on both PFS and Bank. See (3)
10. More detailed information will be provided within the next few days.
Marketing and Press Manager.
on behalf of The Global Management.
So now they are taking our money from cash accounts and use it for buying gas shares, without our consent.
I think this is an illegal and punishable act.
This is ridiculous ..everyone given a dateline to buy oil and gas by Monday @ a ridiculous price and then they disappear again for a week for maintainence…WTF@#
El, Yes This is all without our consent - definitely punishable….They haven’t paid us our monies-long overdue.
Su : Octa Capital Group Ltd. is now a Public listed company on the European Stock Exchange.
There’s no such thing as a “European Stock Exchange” .
Here’s a list of all the stock exchanges in Europe, none of which are known as “The European Stock Exchange” .
Yup That was my next question..wheteher it was listed?? So everyone is beung taken for a ride with their BS hype in new changes… How can they so blatantly lie…
They have to be penalized soonest and Interpol shld scrutinize this crooks…!!
Wow, this piece of cr*p makes Mrs. Vicat’s Onecoin nonsense look almost credible.
The appropriation of funds and ‘Maintenance’ mode sure look like an exit strategy to me.
They have to be penalized soonest and Interpol shld scrutinize this crooks…!!
Re Interpol: Su, it doesn’t quite work that way.
First essential step is a complaint must be made by a victim to their local police. Cyber stuff is usually forwarded to a national squad to deal with and, if they find an international connection, they then contact Interpol for a co-ordinated approach.
Hi guys, i read all your comments. Somebody asked me too, to join by investing my money.
After searching on the internet i find a lot of things. For me it is very clear that this is a very big scam.
If you really want to bet and lose your money, go to a casino (not theirs of course) and play/losewin your money in one evening. Then you know the same night if you have lost it or not. It saves you a lot of stress…..
So now they are taking our money from cash accounts and use it for buying gas shares, without our consent. I think this is an illegal and punishable act.
It most certainly is, unless members have given them POA to their funds and it is not segregated? They are taking all the money in exchange for worthless paper.
Lets see what the outcome is after Monday?? Never seen any company with such confusing changes!!
I agree Su, I’m very curious to find out. Let’s hope for the best.
Let’s hope for the best and expect the worse!
Let’s hope for the best.
Could you elaborate? What does ‘the best’ significar?
Well Char, for me, “the best” would mean, a turnout where everybody gets their money paid and Crypto/Octacoin Capital will turn out to be a legit company that will last for years to come.
Wishfull thinking? ……we will see next week when the website will get out of maintenance and the company will give us more details about all the new changes.
Well Char, for me, “the best” would mean, a turnout where everybody gets their money paid and Crypto/Octacoin Capital will turn out to be a legit company that will last for years to come.
Everyone needs to have a little dream.
No matter how crazy it sounds.
Hi, any news yet?
Sell your account and get out. That’s how i Did it!
Or use vouchers and get your money back.
How and who did you sell your account to El.. are there takers?
The plan is all for their gain I see. I’d rather do my own bitcoin trading than to wait for yrs with ths fortune seeking company… all a crap.
No way anyone will come into their new system. Did they even show us their public listed cert?
Re: the NASDAQ connection:
On their FB page facebook/CryptoInvest. OneCoin. OctaCoin/posts/1551875005108305:0.
As part of the solution for facilitating transfer of value, internationally, we have entered into a partnership with NXCHAIN, a NASDAQ-listed company.
NXChain are indeed Nasdaq listed under nxcn nasdaq/symbol/nxcn and appear to being reversed into by LXC Coin ltd. based in London.
lxccoin/ (not librexcoin, also using lxc)
They in turn, have a very low Crypto profile, but a quick scan shows they make appear to make some sense.
The only things missing are:
-A confirmation from NXC or LXC of Octacoin link up.
-A reason why a legit looking PoS operation needs 888.
But I’ve only happened on this by chance and haven’t had much chance to look deeply into it, those with more involvement should search the above names for more info.
Thanks for your input tmfp.
Well lots of them are confused about the changes..and seem all so confusing for the layman. Everyone’s looking for quick gains so don’t know if it’s viable but I am definitely out of ths soon.
Su : Well lots of them are confused about the changes..and seem all so confusing for the layman.
Every sort of income scheme claims some sort of secret. Remember Madoff? NO ONE knew how he’s producing those consistent returns. Turns out he didn’t do ANY investing.
Yes he got caught in his own game-Madoff!!
Getting new investors to pay off the earlier ones seems to be the norm in ponzis.
Sell your account and get out. That’s how i Did it!
So you stole money from someone else?
How and who did you sell your account to El.. are there takers?
The plan is all for their gain I see. I’d rather do my own bitcoin trading than to wait for yrs with ths fortune seeking company… all a crap.
Do you plan on stealing money from others too?
Waiting for years will never happen. This is a criminal operation and not a ‘company’.
Getting new investors to pay off the earlier ones seems to be the norm in ponzis.
The norm? That’s what a ponzi is and why they are illegal.
What do you mean steal from others Char? Just asked how to exit and get some money out.
I notice they are luring people to keep buying and buying wt the promise of gas shares going up… all falsely hiked up to gain themselves but no talk of when we can sell and opt out. crazy deal.
As part of the solution for facilitating transfer of value, internationally, we have entered into a partnership with NXCHAIN, a NASDAQ-listed company.
NXChain is NOT a NASDAQ Listed Company, another lie. They are an OTC tier QB that is a Shell Company with little or no trading.
No merger has been completed yet either to date. You may want to do some Google DD on the people that run LXC Coin.
What do you mean steal from others Char? Just asked how to exit and get some money out.
If you bought what you thought was a real diamond ring for 10k and then found out it was fake, what would you do?
If you turn around and try to sell that fake ring to someone else, you are essentially stealing money from that buyer and dealing in fake goods.
If you go back to the original seller and demand your money back, that’s different.
Mr. r00t sold his fake account to someone else and scammed them in the process.
Char…do you know me? I think not, and for the record, i sold my account back to my “sponsor”. I haven’t sold anything.
You Judge way to fast man.
But i do know this, people at the top are Making lot’s and lot’s of money, i’m talking about 300.000€-400.000€ a Month cashing out vouchers.
NXChain is Nasdaq listed. Go to the official website of nasdaq.
(Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempts removed)
Char…do you know me? I think not, and for the record, i sold my account back to my “sponsor”. I haven’t sold anything.
It’s not frost. It’s impatience for people that participate in these criminal ventures and take advantage of others.
I AM glad it was your sponsor instead of some innocent old lady, but I’m confused.
You said you didn’t sell to anyone, but then you ‘sold’ to your sponsor. Is your sponsor trying to get out, or is he a believer? Did he think he was helping you, or getting a good deal that would grow his fortune?
The real deal: NXChain is Nasdaq listed. Go to the official website of nasdaq.
Oh Really, you have no idea what you are talking about! It is a Bulletin Board Stock and is now ay near qualified for NASDAQ, just more BS.
OTC = Over The Counter The OTCQB is the middle tier of the three marketplaces for trading over-the-counter stocks provided and operated by the OTC Markets Group.
NXCN NXChain Inc.
It is NASDAQ listed.
I am a lawyer and an investor. And I know the game behind start-up businesses and even those that are well-established.
All I can advise is read books about finances, leadership, self development and marketing.
Grow your mindset. Associate yourself with like-minded people that are credible. Assumir riscos. Know how to manage risks.
I am too busy getting rich, helping my family and contributing to society.
^^ I hope you don’t trash your professional reputation too much. All Ponzi schemes collapse in the end.
I am too busy getting rich, helping my family and contributing to society.
By all accounts nobody (except the owner(s)) are withdrawing funds from Crypto 888 Club. Enjoy those numbers on the screen while it lasts.
I am also into traditional businesses. Ações. Fundos mútuos. Investimento. Charity is also part of my huge interest.
It is a huge blessing to have assorted associates and colleagues. From lawyers, bankers, in the media, corporate and doctors. Businessmen who are traditionalist with tangible products. Businessmen who do franchising. Internet marketers. Inventors. As well as investors who play safe. Investors who take risks.
I highly recommend everyone reads Robert Kiyosaki’s books about finances. There are so much of them.
As I always say, the key is financial literacy.
Here’s a tip for you:
Knowing how to play ponzi and pyramid schemes is not “financial literacy” it’s fraud, pure and simple.
Read books about finances.
Get yourself educated. Enroll in classes if possible. Attend also in self-development, marketing and leadership classes.
Talk to people IN PERSON. Talk to people who come from different industries – media, marketing, politics, business, law, investment, health, real estate, banks.
Have daily conversations with wealthy and successful people. Have conversations with the poor and unsuccessful. Learn from them. I would like to emphasize the words “talk to them in person”.
These experiences will help you lay a foundation in making decisions about investments in the future – investments in start-up businesses, well-established businesses, franchising, stocks, mutual funds, cryptocurrencies etc.
Hence, when you make a decision, it comes from you and no one else’s. That gives you more power. And hence you don’t have to rely your decisios from your parents, boss, colleagues, friends and even the internet.
Your number one weapon is financial literacy.
What does books about finances and finance education classes have to do with investing in ponzi schemes?
All I see is a load of offtopic waffle from someone desperately trying to justify their part in financial fraud.
I hope you’re better at law then you are at business.
I am VERY good in both.
Readers are leaders. Leaders in the courtroom. In the office. In business. In the family. In organizations.
Leaders are intelligent enough to know who and where to find CREDIBLE information.
Yep… well hopefully your waffle works better on your victims than it does on people educated on Ponzi schemes.
The real deal : Readers are leaders. Leaders in the courtroom. In the office. In business. In the family. In organizations.
What the h*** are you on about .
Sério & # 8211; a well read ponzi / pyramid player is as much a criminal as one who is illiterate.
The real deal : Leaders are intelligent enough to know who and where to find CREDIBLE information.
Leaders are also intelligent enough to realize when they are mistaken instead of only finding stuff to confirm their own beliefs.
Financial fraud is not covered in books that you mentioned other than a general gloss-over.
What you got there is known as attribute transfer… you believe that knowing about new fintech somehow made you an expert spotting fincrime. It doesn’t.
As a lawyer, I am proud to have defended victims of not just scams, but including victims of rape, assault and murder.
Remember, get yourself financially educated through books and classes. Invest more in your self-development and financial education than in business entities.
Once you have mastered that craft, then you can start engaging yourself in the world of business and investments. It will be a great journey.
If you want to be a lawyer, go to law school and learn from a good credible senior lawyer. It will also be a great journey.
Ciao everyone! The internet is a funny place.
As a lawyer, I am proud to have defended victims of not just scams.
And now he’s recruiting victims into them. Man, this guy has no shame.
If you click under InfoQuotes, it says very clearly, it’s traded in “Other OTC” mercado.
Clearly, your knowledge of NASDAQ is quite lacking for all your boast of being financially literate.
I think we have a troll, Oz. This guy knows nothing except grandiose speeches.
Provavelmente. Guess there’s not much else to do when you’ve invested in a Ponzi scheme that isn’t paying out.
Like your hit back Oz and the others at “The Real deal”.Don’t care what his profession is but Probably he’s a leader..
made his bucks and now can’t take the crap out of others.
Questioning the credibility of this company…wonder if some people even have a conscience..sigh!!
The real deal : Remember, get yourself financially educated through books and classes. Invest more in your self-development and financial education than in business entities.
If the end result of all the “reading” and “education” and “classes” you claim to have undertaken is your recommendation people join pyramid and ponzi schemes such as Crypto 888, you may have just set back the financial literacy rate of readers by twenty years.
I am suprised the majority of the custumer are from China, 8 its a magic number and they cant read english to google some of the name involved, and the history they have (google translate. )
Take a look at the chinese stockmarket bubble, they love risk/gambling perfect for such companies for some easy bucks. The show goes on.
Here’s some of the best ‘reading’ I’ve found about network marketing. It’s remarkably detailed and very thorough.
Everyone should take the time to read it!
LMAO..ssssssssure you are.
You’re just another assclown that needs to pump u this scam so they can at least get their money out.
Crypto888 is a scam from the Notorious British Conman Nigel Allan.
I am a lawyer and an investor. And I know the game behind start-up businesses and even those that are well-established.
You forgot to mention “IDIOT”.
I’m also a member of the OctaPartners Club. I’m doing some kind of research now.
Did anyone receive his PFS or another prepaid card? No, I suppose.
Did anyone get money out of the company by withdrawal request to his bank account? Some of you I suppose, but neither I.
A weekly profit share of 1% guarenteed? If it’s locked for 26 weeks, everything is possible, even 1000% (just on your screen).
Accounts in crypto888 were blocked/suspended if you were a member of another MLM company….
ISIN numbers of the oil/gas shares? Did anyone receive this.
Octa Capital Group/ OctaPartners UK Ltd/ Senet Holding ltd / Octanium ltd . Wtf is this bs.
I hope I can get my money ASAP.
You, we all have been taken, picked to the bone.
Reality has set in!
yes ofcourse, i came i saw and i knew it was too late.
Hi, have some friends that put in some money in this, curious to know what´s happening. I´m worried about them losing their money..
Try reading some of the recent comments above…
Well Oz, I did. But I´m not sure I do get all of it.
Does anyone get their money out of the system right now or not? I understand that they have made several changes but you still have our account intact.
I do my best to talk them out of it, but I have to little “inside” info cause I´m not a member myself.
My closest friend asked me two months ago if I had 6000 euro’s and when I didn’t have it, ask my children. Because she said I would be a millionaire in one year.
She urged me to step in, but she refused to tell me more. I saw her new fb friends appearing out of nothing. It triggered me what was/is going on.
She wouldn’t inform me on the phone, me and my husabd had to come to her place for a few hours of info. I was already envolved in network systems and a little bell in my brain told me this was also a piramid system, a new kind of sofisticated network sceme.
i did some sherlock holmes investigation and came out with the octa plan business. I confronted her and she admitted that she was working hard convincing people to step in. She is giving info sessions to recruit others.
She is 70 years old and she thinks she is working very hard for a lot of money to have a very good pension.
What I did discovered here makes me shivering. I want to protect her but she isn’t listening, she is convinced to get rich in a year’s time.
I do find it strange no official investigation is going on, this is fraude or not?
She is still trying to convince me to step in but I am not. I don’t trust it!
Am I right or not?
Can you buy milk and bread with this Octacoine. THey have a ipo looks fantastic only goes up.
I want to protect her but she isn’t listening, she is convinced to get rich in a year’s time.
Not much you can do unfortunately. Your friend is chasing recruitment commissions in a Ponzi scheme.
You can explain this to her (go over the business model), but more than that she has to realize the scam on her own.
I do find it strange no official investigation is going on, this is fraude or not?
Ponzi and pyramid schemes are fraud, however regulation is typically reactionary.
These new breeds of pseudo cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes intentionally operate out of EU and Asia, because Ponzi regulation there is even slower.
THey have a ipo looks fantastic only goes up.
Unless the IPO is in the company name you’re investing, it’s a shell company set up to evade authorities for as long as possible.
Putting aside the Ponzi points business model, no legitimate company has a good reason for doing this.
Hmm, I read this about 6 months ago or so.
I told everyone around me they shouldn’t do it because of the obvious reasons. there’s no such thing as gaining money while literally doing nothing. However certain people around me did it and one of them cashed out about 40.000 Euro recently, so now the people that didn’t invest at the time want to invest now.
I still tell them not to do it. But all i can really tell them is that i read on a forum that it most likely is a scam and won’t get their money they then refer to the one guy who got 40k. And now i’m here left without a reply.
How do i get some sense into these people? Like there’s evidence of them just lying about stocks, etc, etc.
all i can really tell them is that i read on a forum that it most likely is a scam and won’t get their money they then refer to the one guy who got 40k.
Ask them where they think the “one guy” who got $40,000 got the money from. And make verifiable proof a requirement, don’t accept any “the guy down the street told me” respostas.
We know the answer is gullible suckers like them invested and gave it to him, but see if they’re able to reach that conclusion on their own.
If not they’re probably lost causes.
People who have no problem investing, receiving stolen funds from people who join after them and don’t ask any questions flock to these scams.
Only so much you can do to warn those you know I’m afraid. Ultimately some of them just have to lose money.
Or worse, make a bit, get hooked, spend the next 10 years chasing the Ponzi dream and lose to the bigger hustlers.
I guess they’ll either trust me or learn the hard way.
Can anyone tell me how we know that the gas company they are claiming to invest in is real? And how do we know that the gas shares are going to rise?
Why do they use so many different names? How do I find them on NASDAQ?
Thanks if anyone can answer my questions.
@ sky: the gas company exist, but Octa doesn’t have any shares of that. Because you don’t receive the shares certificate and the ISIN numbers, it’s a virtually share, just a digit on your screen 😉
about the many names, you mean : octapartners, octa capital group, octanium? You can not find them on the NASDAQ because they are not listed. By the way, it’s not because it is Nasdaq listed, it is a good company (remember Madoff)
NXCHAIN you find in the nasdaq list, but don’t expect too much of that. the CEO of the LXC coin is Henrick Ellefsen, please search his name on Google 😉
Like all of the people of crypto888.
Thanks for your reply Coiman!
1.) Does this mean members are actually not investing in gas shares?
2.) I have not heard of Octanium and you are right I cannot find anything starting with ‘oct’ on NASDAQ.
3.) What do you know about the online games they claim to invest in?
@Sky — you’re going about this the wrong way.
It is not our burden of proof to “disprove” Crypto888.
They made the claim, THEY are supposed to PROVE (to your satisfaction) that their claims are real by providing evidence.
If they did not provide evidence, and/or provided only very weak, circumstantial, and/or potentially fake evidence, and/or unverifiable evidence, or used another claim as evidence, then they are bogus.
Obviously YOU have to decide how much proof is enough for you to be satisfied, but given this is your money, it should be “quite a lot”.
If they are bogus about one thing, it is HIGHLY likely they are also bogus about all the OTHER things they claimed. This is known as the cockroach effect: if there’s one, there’s gotta be more.
Finally, I leave with with some words from Scientist Carl Sagan.
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”
Don’t settle for less.
Obrigado pela sua resposta. I ask questions for my own reasons. From the research I have done so far I do not trust this company and have never had any desire to become a member.
I only decided to look into this after being told about this company by a friend. Unfortunately my friend knows a fair number of people who are members and seem to believe the lies they are being fed. This is why I wanted to know what was real and what wasn’t.
I think there should be no inconsistencies in what this company tells us. I just wanted to know more about the claims they were making, hence the questions. But I suppose these questions have arisen to begin with because I could not find any verifiable sources to answer them myself.
Nevertheless, any more insight into this company is welcome.
I sent a question to CPC Corporation, Taiwan asking if they ( or any other Taiwanese company) have any interaction with a company named crypto888, Octa Capital Group or maybe Octa partners in a gas project.
It took some time to get an answer but finally got it and CPC claim they have no joint venture with any of these companies!
“The things they say on there web page are not true” as the reply stated!!
One more thing to add to the list of this ponzie!
NXCHAIN is a NOT a NASDAQ Traded Firm. They are an OTC (Over The Counter) Shell Company that does not even trade and LXC Coin was supposed to merge with them and that has yet to happen either.
I sent an e-mail to the CEO of NXChain a few weeks ago who confirmed that they have no association with OctaPartners/Crypto888.
@Scammed, had no idea that NXChain and LXC Coin were not together yet.
You see, the company will collapse and the leaders are going to leave with our money.
I intend to launch a lawsuit to the European Court in The Hague for all non-European and European victims. A group set up on Facebook for all the victims seems useful then we can start a fund. they will certainly be condemned to repay, but we must be quick.
The shares doesn’t exist, the withdrawals are continiously denied and cash is going to mandatory account. We must stop them.
A group on Facebook : Victims of OCP must be started but we have to be careful, even if you have money in this horrible company.
I support to the European Court to prosecute, count me one, I must take part in, I have too many victims!
can’t let go of them.
I have too many victims!
can’t let go of them.
Can you clarify what you mean?
I have a lot of friends and relatives including myself are invested a lot, so I have enough screenshot evidence goes to court sued mark capital!
(Ozedit: attempt to take discussion offsite removed)
Yes we should start a Fb page and launch a lawsuit against them..make police reports also against yr local leaders who have made millions from all the downlines and still hoodwinking them with empty promises.
They have also called off the Pattaya event in my emailed received today and capitalising on the gullible China market.. Please let’s stop them before more poor people are robbed off by them.
This is SERIOUS MATTER mates!!
you can find it on “OctaPartners Victims” on fb. Let’s work together.
Not such fb group to be found on facebook. Is it still under construction?
The would be victims are sticking to their groupleaders. Not willing to open their eyes for the worldwide fraude. Not accepting or not willing to acknowlege the piramid structure behind this.
Reading the many facebook account members promising hugh profits. Many people ther savings are lost forever.
I am ridiculed when I try to warn them, opening their eyes. They foreseen wealth is blocking a lot of minds.
I think the fb group mentioned above is or deleted or not existing.
It is under construction, please watch one more time.
The website is not available…probably it’s been taken down.
Need a start up again I guess.. not a single cent coming in and looking for more investors into this well planned scam.. China main target..
A friend has invested 270k euros and has only gotten back 70k in the 1st 2mths of investment..before it made a turnaround and stopped paying dividends..game plan was get paid weekly with high returns than change the whole modus operasi..blady professional thieves. ..
If he did he is a hell of sucker.
The fb group still doesn’t exist.
Any updates so far.. anyone?
OCP going to Thailand, Pattaya! willbe awesome, looking forward. Think I will be stinking rich.
No more updates..so they made their pile and keeping quiet. International crooks.
Where is the Fb page on crypto scam.. can’t locate…
Any news here? I have a friend that have invested 20k euro, he said he has been getting payouts already, when will this scam collapse?
friend of mine just invested 6K euro without little objective research.
Its going round like crazy on the company floor, people convincing people to buy in. Scary.
Oh no. This has to be stopped…they are being taken for a ride.
Social media is the only way to blacklist them soonest. ..
The worst is that current members persuade their family and friends to join and because they trust them, they often don’t do their own research which allows the scams to continue.
Are they still not paying anything?
El Toro, did you get something from them or nada still?
Company will run by the 5 th of september under a different name : nano club.
Presenting you not only a brandnew state-of-the-art backoffice and E-wallet, a new coin , new packages and a much improved bonus and compensation plan, we are glad to take you to new highs.
Uh what, old Ponzi points collapse so just launch a new one?
Bloody hell… who takes these guys seriously?
No, the BV will stay for everyone, money from old investors will stay 6 months locked, money from new investors now 1 year, it’s for the big deal they say. 3rd time in 1 year they changed their name and compensation plan…
Well everyone…..i just wanted to say hello and say: What did i say, and that all my warnings against this shit people came through…but did GREEDY people listen? NO……….
Stijn Vanstralen (belgium) the worst scammer ever.
Bjorn Thomas (sweden) no more info about him needed… asshole.
Jarle Thorsen (Norwegian) from Plexpay, Unaico, T5PC Bidyfi etc etc.
Terje Hvidsten Norwegian.
Tim Vermeien Belgium.
Helle Scmidt Sweden Pyramide Queen.
Frode Jorgensen Norway Plexpay, Bidify and all other scams.
Josep Tran Sweden Sweden.
and so many more…can other help me with the list of the rest 🙂
This link should be updated with more people, and people should put this link and txt all over the global world as a public WARNING so we can make sure we do some damage controll here.
Don`t forget Nigel Allan on the list.
And Agnieszka Luczak & Pieter Van de Vyver also takes money in the name of this….
Someone invested in Nano Club, same club as Crypto?!
Yes Nano Club is a relaunch of Crypto 888 Club.
Mr. Jarle Thorsen the founder of many scam operation, sitetalk/uniaco/OPN/crypto888,a very close friend and personal adviser of Mr. Sebastian Greenwood (OneCoin) has just launched a new Scam after leaving his last positions from Crypto8.
Thorsen and Notorious British Conman Nigel Allen and ofcourse Mr. Bjorn Tomas are there to make another hit and run, the new game called Poweronnetwork,
youtube/watch? v=QPUi6DSxrfw and the new Crypto coin is called XeCoin.
Please spread the word around and don’t allow these savages getaway with it this time.
whistleblower do not forgot the BIG scammer Stijn Vanstraelen from Belgium, he is humping together with all this scammers…… same his friend Tim.
Make sure to put all this people all over internet so people dont need to lose more money to them, this people should all be in jail for life.
stijn vanstraelen is a known scamm artist and fraud he is under investigation by the authorities in country:
Población CARTAGENA Provincia MURCIA.
ANN RAMAEKERS Apoderado 2015-12-10 11 meses.
STIJN VANSTRAELEN Administrador Único 2015-11-30 11 meses.
this is the beginning of the end.
Are they still not paying anything?
El Toro, did you get something from them or nada still?
Sorry for the late reply, still nada!
luana : stijn vanstraelen is a known scamm artist and fraud he is under investigation by the authorities in country.
Luana; This is about Nanoclub or a project in Spain?
El Toro : What can we do ? They are still recruiting new members … what do they do with that money? Only pay out commissions?
Cor all seeking info, this is inderdaad the nanoclub scam..
Now hear Jarle in Ormeus. He works with Nigel Stijin Bjron Frank to do deal with nano into Ormeus. Nigel to in Ormeus and all of them bring there team of scammers.
Beware of them they are thieves and stay away from company they do.
My team of 50k members will not join Ormeus until all of them are gone. Do any people know what county these people are located? Do any one know how they are not in jail yet?
Jarle and Nigel Sebastian take over $100,000 EU from my team in Crypto888 and Nano. Many people are looking for them.
Stay away from the liars or they will steal from you and corrupt your company and team.
True Urban working with Jarle and Nigel. My sponsor in Ormeus went to hong kong meeting and saw nigel, jarle, frank and urban there.
there is no doubt they are involved and must be stopped. I hear today that rest of Europe tour stopped because people do not want jarle and his team involved in ormeus.
My sponsor lost 50000 eu in nano and we will stop at nothing to bring jarle and his team down. we will pursue ormeus if they allow jarle to be involved, he is a crook and needs to be stopped.
Anyone have any other info on Jarle and his scammers, please post here they have stollen too much money from people who trusted them.
Nigel are in Dagcoin! One really bog looser.
Deixe uma resposta.
Jason McRiffle: "Tiny.. Again.. another HIt of the bong and chill on Mars. Maybe they have they. " TinyVillionaire Alex Goh: " Cristain: I have asked them for a refund which is lot of money so if. " TinyVillionaire Alex Goh: "i put in so much of my time and my money to taking 3rd loans in. " Jason McRiffle: "Where did you buy for 4 cents?? I was looking at their calendar of events and. " Ej: "Bought the coins at 4 cents. Still dont think i can see a profit."
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